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Heya, new player looking to group up.

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Just started playing today, and though I've done my research and fair bit of youtubing to get my footing, I'm still having a hard time solo. Anyone want to group up?

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I'd be willing to lend a hand and help you learn the ropes, but I can't get on until a bit later tonight. If you're willing to wait until around 10ish and play on one of my home servers, I'll happily make my way down to the coast and link up with you.

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I have my own vent and skype, let me know whatever you prefer.

Til then I'll just flail about.

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Can I join you guys? Add me: Stealth421

I'm not a noob, and I'm heading towards Elektro along the shore. Recently died so i only have a few supplies, a lee Einfield (sp?) and m1911

Edited by Stealth2668

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Can I join you guys? Add me: Stealth421

I'm not a noob, and I'm heading towards Elektro along the shore. Recently died so i only have a few supplies, a lee Einfield (sp?) and m1911

Added, and I dont care what your skill level is, haha. I have no idea what I'm doing.

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I'd be happy to let you join in. Helping people to get a feel for the game is good for player retention, and fairly fun. :)

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I'd be happy to let you join in. Helping people to get a feel for the game is good for player retention, and fairly fun. :)

Well let me know! I'm still pluggin away solo as of right now.

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I'd be happy to let you join in. Helping people to get a feel for the game is good for player retention, and fairly fun. :)

What's your server and steam ID?

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can i join to im not a noob but not that good just died due to everyone on the sever being teleported to 1 spot and then dieing so i have no gear steam ID doobymonster

Edited by doobymonster

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