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Found two crash sites today.

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the other night i came upon 4 heli crashes in one friggin hour, i was lol'ing at my luck

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I have found 3 in one field, i have found 80 in my 3 month career on this game not including the ones that had nothing when i checked them, thats nothing.

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I found three, right next to each other once. All of them were looted out, sadly, but I did pick up some NVGs off of a pilot Z.

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Found one today. Got a M107 and a Bizon... dropped the Bizon a few minutes later for a L85A2 that i found in a tent... still don't get the point of this thread tho.

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Yesterday I found two. The first one was right on the airstrip not 50m from the North Barracks! Literally right across the tarmac I crawled. Second one was due east like 600m. Looted 2NVG's, Rangefinders, mags for my bizon that I later dropped for a DMR, then a ghillie and M107. My best loot run within 3 hours of spawning.

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I've probably come across 200 in all my server hopping and riding around on bicycles. Pretty much 90% of them have 2-3 Fals on them.

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I only ever find a few loot sights on a crash, maybe two?

Found an L85A2 as well, then when stuck on the Loading screen i quit out through Task manager and next time spawned in Cherno. Not needing any loot i decide to get out of town, was really careful but one crawler squarked and 60 secs later a sniper popped one shot in my back. GAME OVER...

Never even got to use them... :(

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I only managed 2 in 3 months.

Bunch of mates and myself found 3 in 15 minutes practically next to each others fields the other night.

I have a feeling that the % rate is going to be nerfed, they are being farmed religiously.

Edited by Banicks

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