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Artifact glitch is getting ridiculous

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Honestly, I know it isn't my card or my graphics drivers, how long has this glitch been going on for, literally any server I join, whenever I reach a built up area I can't see shit but black triangles and white screens, it's making this amazing mod almost unplayable for me, sure I've tried the 'fixes' but they don't work, the only one that makes a difference is actually exiting the game and reconnecting, however, due to the long load times for dayz, that becomes very irritable, especially when my buddies were getting ready to storm a village or town.

Have any details been shown to state that this game-breaking glitch will be fixed?

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Have any details been shown to state that this game-breaking glitch will be fixed?

Off course it has been stated it will be fixed. They are hardly going to leave in indefinately are they.

We all have to put up with it, and yes it sucks. All we can do is be patient and hope a true fix comes soon.

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Honestly, I know it isn't my card or my graphics drivers, how long has this glitch been going on for, literally any server I join, whenever I reach a built up area I can't see shit but black triangles and white screens, it's making this amazing mod almost unplayable for me, sure I've tried the 'fixes' but they don't work, the only one that makes a difference is actually exiting the game and reconnecting, however, due to the long load times for dayz, that becomes very irritable, especially when my buddies were getting ready to storm a village or town.

Have any details been shown to state that this game-breaking glitch will be fixed?

Your not alone, I know you say you tried all the fixes but have you tried looking right at the artifacts so they fill your screen then go into your advanced video options and try enabling and disabling the vsync? and maybe the memory usage untill they disappear, this works well for me but they do come back eventually but its quicker than disconnecting.

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I find it's the dead non-zombie soldiers that make them appear for me. Once I run right into the eye of the storm, so to speak, all the polygons from hell (from that particular point source) disappear and I'm looking at a soldier's body.

...So airfields, center of Cherno, military camps... yeah. Tough shit for me I guess, and apparently others too. Not sure if that's what it is for everyone else but I don't get them from anything else. Is there a way to delete the model?

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I found I get them a lot less if I put video card memory on default. Sometimes I still have to flush but not near as bad

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I found that actually made it more likely for me to glitches then not...

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I agree that it sucks, but it will be fixed. For now try to test other aspects of the game.

It's easy to avoid the artifacts, if you stay away from built up areas. (or just don't look at them)

I got killed in Starry, fully geared because of them. I just gritted my teeth and decided to try a different approach to testing.

Anyway, sorry to hear you're getting frustrated.. at least you're handling it well. ;)

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it seems hit and miss for me some servers are running fine now, but i did get a bad screen in berizeno yesterday(im sure i spelled that wrong ) :P

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Maybe you should keep yourself updated on the current development before posting shit? Rocket is working on this as we speak, was suppose to fix the problems there is still glitches but from my experience it is a lot better than before.

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I don't get why he doesn't just remove the problem - Barb wire.

It's not like it serves any purpose besides trolling.

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I don't get why he doesn't just remove the problem - Barb wire.

It's not like it serves any purpose besides trolling.

It is a test for construction so there is a very valid reason to have them ingame. Also dead bodies is also causing the same type of graphical glitches.

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I mostly see it from certain debris and and dead soldier bodies. One of the most common and prevalent ones is in Cherno by the clock tower building. I think there's a debris pile over that does it constantly. Usually i can get rid of it with a v-sync reset, but it's not a guarantee.

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the previous versions were OK why they won't take that files and just put them in to this version or the next one :S

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