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Questions about the M24 bolt action sniper rifle

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A friend had just recently required an M24 sniper rifle, and being the designated marksman, I was given it after losing my DMR [RIP </3]. I have some questions.

1. Is the only ammo compatible with M24 the M24 rounds?

2. How rare is the ammo?

3. Who actually uses the M24?

Thanks for those who informed me about the DMR ammo conversion.

Edited by Inception.

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1 - You can convert DMR mags into 4 x M24 clips

2 - Well DMR mags are quite common as you may well know so not too rare to get ammo

3 - I use it, simply because of personal preference and the fact it's bolt action which I love

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Haven't used it, but I do know that 1 DMR mag = 4 M24 mags

Wow really? That's amazing, thanks for that.

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You can convert DMR rounds to m24 rounds by rightclicking them. DMR ammo is all over the place. The M24 while not NVG compatable is a solid sniper rifle with two levels of zoom and great acuracy, not to mention it can be zeroed in. I've only used it a few times but i'd say that for sniping during the day near a populated area, it is a good choice. Personaly i say learn to use the DMR since it is compatable with NVGs

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Its a quality rifle for accuracy takes M24 and DMR mags, use the DMR mags they split into 4 M24 mags but make sure you have the space in your inventory before you convert the ammo, i used to keep it in my alice pack with 4 DMR mags to scope out a place before going in with the M4A3, i lost mine when i died from a hacker so i didnt bother going to look for my body to get it back. Found my first DMR tonight 10 minutes later while running up some stairs my bones broke then i died from another hacker i think. Next sniper i finds getting left where it is there f'n cursed

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