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The Trusted Mentors of the Wasteland

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I have recently started playing and had major issues getting the hang of dayZ like you do when you begin a new game. DayZ was starting to get really frustrating to play and to be honest not many people who were willing to help me in-game and just kill me on sight which was ruining my experience. I came across this thread and approached joe-shaw who was really friendly and was willing to help me out. He immediately booked me a slot for the next day and introduced me to the trainer (Trooper) that was going to work with me on Teamspeak who was a joy to work with. The next day I did the training with Trooper who explained everything and went through it all on their private server (Inventory, bag, looting, settings, navigation, zombie prevention, hunting and a lot more) I can honestly say I have learnt so much now that I can comfortably play dayZ without the fear of getting killed by zombies which was my main concern prior to this training. I would STRONGLY recommend anyone who needs help in-game to contact joe-shaw as what they do is amazing! I just want to say a thanks to Joe, Trooper and everyone else in this group who makes dayZ a joy to play.

Edited by Coughs

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I have recently started playing and had major issues getting the hang of dayZ like you do when you begin a new game. DayZ was starting to get really frustrating to play and to be honest not many people who were willing to help me in-game and just kill me on sight which was ruining my experience. I came across this thread and approached joe-shaw who was really friendly and was willing to help me out. He immediately booked me a slot for the next day and introduced me to the trainer (Trooper) that was going to work with me on Teamspeak who was a joy to work with. The next day I did the training with Trooper who explained everything and went through it all on their private server (Inventory, bag, looting, settings, navigation, zombie prevention, hunting and a lot more) I can honestly say I have learnt so much now that I can comfortably play dayZ without the fear of getting killed by zombies which was my main concern prior to this training. I would STRONGLY recommend anyone who needs help in-game to contact joe-shaw as what they do is amazing! I just want to say a thanks to Joe, Trooper and everyone else in this group who makes dayZ a joy to play.

Thanks for the kind words Coughs, I know Trooper, Absolut_Zero and I enjoyed our time together as well. Glad it made a difference for you.


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Just finish a training sesh with Zero, was awesome. Picked up so much new stuff and got to try loads of new techniques,

Cheers Zero

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This is much more than a "me too!" post and I hope that the community at large pays attention to what these guys are doing. I spent last evening going through beginner training with HavocFive and Joe and it's time VERY well spent. I put a more in-depth review at the TMW website but the synopsis is simple: do this. You will learn things you didn't know AND meet some great people in the process.

I can appreciate the previous posters who frown upon this but I don't think you grasp the importance of counter-balance to the KOS community of players. Yeah, it's 'allowed' but it's clear that without some sort of other-side, white hat response a large portion of the player base will move on the first time they feel violated by a mile long headshot for no reason whatsoever. I bought WarZ and this is a huge issue in the development of it and the main reason I'm chosing DayZ over it as my game of choice. Without communities like TMW I can easily see DayZ slipping into a Sniper PvP game where loot and zombies are far secondary to the main objective of getting player kills. By spending time developing players the TMW community is doing the mod a huge service and it should be supported.

By the way, and this is important to add, at no point did anyone try to gauge my moral stance during training, nor did they try to present a case for electing any sort of playstyle. I was taught how to help and how to steal equally since they are parts of the game. It was clear that the choice is mine to make when I spawn into my own games, and that's pretty cool.

TL/DR: Do this. It's worth it.

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Thanks Kelly we enjoyed it as well, you were a lot of fun and we look forward to going through additional material with you.

As to the game, everyone has to make their own decisions about the methods they use, we just provide some guidance on how to play the game and let everyone make those decisions after that.


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Just wanted to let everyone know I am certified to train people in the basics. Anyone new who sees this thread please don't hesitate to contact us.

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I had a training session with Herr Jon tonight and it was a great experience. I was already starting to feel pretty confident, but since this mod has so many quirks and I don't have any friends who play it was invaluable to run through the basics with someone who could answer all the little questions I had.

These guys are awesome. They got back to me an hour after I posted my request and we quickly had a session scheduled. As I said earlier, it was great to have someone with me I could ask all the little questions. I really wish that I had found and contacted TMW days ago instead of spending hours watching tutorials trying not to go in unprepared.

I highly recommend new players look the Medics up. Best way to get over that beginning hump, period, no matter how inexperienced you are.

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