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The graphical glitches aren't that bad

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Some people have graphical problems, which are apparently caused by body bags and dead soldiers.

But honestly ... the graphical glitches aren't as bad as everybody says.

I just took some pics from my game just to show you that you can easily see everything

Pic #1


Well, you see? The three zombies walking in my direction can easily be seen.

Even the sniper on the roof of the house can be seen.


Pic #2


This one is even better. Same location as on the first pic, but from another angle.

And still the sniper is visible, as much as the zombies.

So, I really don't know what your problem is.

The graphical issues are a peace of cake.

But ... MAYBE ... it should be considered to fix them anyways.

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lol on the second pic, at the bottom, there like an arrow point right... At least you have some kind of GPS lol

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Isn't there any possibility to fix these graphical enhancements?

I tried every possible graphic option, but the issues stay no matter what settings.

Can't we just remove the 3d models that cause it? XD

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I just don't see how hard it is to remove the dead solider player model and body bags from the game, sure it'd take away from the atmosphere by a miniscule amount but no one can enjoy it not being able to see ( see pic #2 from OP )

Edited by That Guy

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I just tried the -winxp start parameter and it really seems to fix the issue.

Well, but I also restarted the game ... so it could happen in a different

location again .... but the area where the pics above where taken is

rendered correctly now.

The -winxp parameter forces the game to use directx9.


Funny thing is ... the winxp mode provides a built-in wallhack.

Every zombie and player has a small grey circle attached and you can see these circles through all walls.



I let it on full size this time ... so you can see them.

Also some others models like barrels have those circles ... but the cool thing is they even show you the

distance of the object/zombie/player. The bigger the circles the closer ou are.

I can't really believe that .... lol.


I bet many bandits are playing with that all the time, while they are pretending they are just better at the game -_-".

Accidently experienced this "server setting" for the first time. XD

Edited by grasmann

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Play arma single player, easiest difficulty, come back, feel stupid.

Yeah in the meantime I was told this is a server setting XD.

I just happened to see it for the first time when I tested the -winxp parameter.


I still can't tell it for sure, but it seems like -winxp fixes the graphical issues.

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I only get them when I go into major cities.

Because it's caused by dead soldiers, barbwire and tank traps.

Also, my sarcasm meter is overloading.

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It boggles the mind how Rocket and co have 'still' not managed to remove the bugged models after 2 patches. They add nothing to the game apart from a tiny smidgen of atmosphere and even that's questionable. If they value that more than allowing a good percentage of the player base to actually play the game, I dread to think what state standalone will ship in.

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No complaints here OP, I can play fine.

Ah yeah ... I see what you mean. Try increasing the viewrange ... it's always better if you can see very far. :D

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