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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Cheater using Invisibility - Now banned

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Please add to global ban list.

18.08.2012 18:39:10: The Main Man ( 54f9ef195a585f1316aa507beda94f98 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

18.08.2012 18:39:10: The Main Man ( 54f9ef195a585f1316aa507beda94f98 - #6 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

Mods or BE Staff please PM / email me for server details, I wont post it here and have the spammers / hackers fuck my server.


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Are you sure that player was using it? I've often seen multiple toggles (false/true/false/true/false) done to mass players. It's a way for the hacker to hide him/herself.

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