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Why not support private hives.

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Why would you now support this at all? There are alot of players out there that simoky don't like playing on your public hive as it's usually got more hackers then private/sanctuary servers. Some people (more often then not) like to have some form of control over what they pay for. At the very (and i mean very) least you should not tell hosts to not allow it. I read this on the HFBservers.com DayZ T&C "You must not edit your server files in anyway, this includes: Mission file to enable side chat. Modified Hive files." And right above it "These are set by the DayZ development team and not by ourselves:" Why would you not give the community what many of them want.]They made your mod as popular as it is today and you just chain them down.

I played on a private hive for 2 weeks and never saw a hacker. I decided id just go log onto the public hive and shoot some kids with my AS50. The second i logged in everyone on the server was script killed. At the very least you should drop those restrictions on servers like the ones i said above. Many people don't even see that T&C and buy a server from them to set up a private hive and next thing they no there account is closed without chance of refund.

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:( because your character is bound to the Hive, having more hives would mean you would start different characters for each hive. Further you could only take that character to servers bound to that HIVe.

Mass confusion i believe it would create on something thats still in testing :(

Hackers are a big problem, but theres lots of big problems on the game trying to get ironed out, and that includes problems with communication between the hive and servers.

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