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Identifying shooting direction

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add fatigue and carry capacity to a player and things would be a bit different with what people are running around with right now. i mean engine parts are very heavy

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I love the people who are violently opposed to being able to tell where bullets are coming from, and then making comments that boil down to "You should only be able to hear well if you spend lots of money on sound equipment like i did."

I'm not saying it should be obvious, but a quad directional indicator with a higher or lower elevation aspect that flashes for a moment, maybe even after a shot or to (instantly knowing where one shot came from is unrealistic, but if the shots continue...?)

Of course this is just my two cents; i've got headphones and i can usually tell myself. But sometimes i hear a faint faint helicopter off in the distance and can't quite get a visual. I'd be able to stalk so much easier if i had some visual help. ;D

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I'd be able to stalk so much easier if i had some visual help. ;D

That says it all, doen't it? No, wait....maybe an arrow pointing towards the culprit...?...perhaps with a distance and elevation indication attached to it? And throw in a nice auto-aim feature for good measure, right? That'll make it a breeze to play... I understand your pain, bro...why they'd make a game challenging, is beyond me too :(

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You should get a big, bright, sharp red mark on your screen at the angle of impact where you were hit that slowly fades out and spreads wider over time making it harder to pinpoint as the pain starts to spread. Maybe, just like painkillers and hyperventilation, it would only work if you're in first person view.

This would be great.

I dont know why people are so against this idea. Its realistic. As many people have said before me (but I will say it again because some people dont seem to understand) if you were shot or hit in real life you would know where the bullet came from based on where the pain is coming from.

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it may be all about soundsystem, but the truth is, the visual and sound imput from the game will never be enough as to emulate our real ears and eyes. You can know pretty well the general direction from where a sound came from, even the most hardcore stalker mods have some sort of indicator of attack direction. It does not dumb it down, it compensates for something that a 2d representation of reality can never do. +1.

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I have a crap $20 headset and can tell what gun is being used and the direction from the sound alone, open your ears, it's not about being realistic or unrealistic, I don't want the game to be dumbed down like every other game has

Edited by smasht_AU

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This is the problem I'm having. Everytime I get shot or I hear bullets, I can't tell where they are coming from. Multiple times I've heard shots and it sounds like they're in front of me and far away then all of a sudden they're right behind me and I'm dead.

I have a x-fi titanium HD soundcard it's a great soundcard sounds great in every game I play except this one. Don't know if it's just the sound in this game or if I need to try a different headset.

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I don't know why people hate on this so much. I have a friend who is deaf in one ear because his dumbass friend thought putting firecrackers in a can and then setting them off next to my friend was a good idea.

SOCOM and several other tactical shooters have sound indicators. Also, DayZ already has a really subtle system to indicate where constant sounds are coming from...

I think just use the current indication system, but shots make red indicators instead of white ones.

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Its a alpha ! Try it.. if its good than we have a new featur if not we can get it out agian..

I think its a good idea

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That says it all, doen't it? No, wait....maybe an arrow pointing towards the culprit...?...perhaps with a distance and elevation indication attached to it? And throw in a nice auto-aim feature for good measure, right? That'll make it a breeze to play... I understand your pain, bro...why they'd make a game challenging, is beyond me too :(

You either can't read or missed where I said it shouldn't be obvious. Nice straw man, though.

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You either can't read or missed where I said it shouldn't be obvious. Nice straw man, though.

Then your last sentence should've been phrased differently, buddy.

"I'd be able to stalk so much easier if i had some visual help. " is enough for me to put a sarcastic spin on the topic, sorry.

Regarding all these "realism" comments...such as this one ;

as some people said, hit indicator is realistic, because you will feel pain when bullet hits your body, and its easy to determine side from where bullet came from. if you dont believe you can ask a kid with a bb gun, to shoot you while your eyes closed.

that's almost too idiotic to comment on, I mean really...? A bb gun...?

Come join us on PR and pit yourselves against others (without silly disconnects or hackers)...you'll soon get the hang of what is being fired, from where and by who... It's hard, yes, but it's part of Arma's representation of combat. If you don't like the challenge of being yourselves responsible for a large part of the situational awareness this game provides you, then that's cool, ask away and maybe Rocket will do some more hand holding for ya...

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I just used a £30 HP 5.1 headset I got cheap, works fine for me, adding any sort of warning or indicator would take away the fear of getting shot at... catching where the bullet lands is another good way to get a judge of angle?

Nice thought, but not for DayZ :)


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Fear is a zero sum game. Snipers need more of it every time they pull the trigger and bullet indicators, at the very least on impact with the person being hit, are not just more realistic but force snipers to aim better.

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I do agree it's sometimes difficult to tell where shots are coming from.

I don't think the solution is simply to add a GUI that tells you the answer. Thinking on that though, we do already have a radar that shows zombie locations off screen.

The obvious answer would seem to be to improve the sound engine. Not a quick fix though.

I don't think it would take away from the fear of getting shot at. You're still dead meat if you don't react correctly.

But it would take away from the immersion of the game engine. Far better to get things right in terms of audio simulation rather than visual supplement for an audio problem.

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Having onscreen indicators would be cheap. i told myself Gordon Freeman had damage indicators on his suit to justify that one. If i cant tell were im getting shot from then 1. I failed or 2. I'll not care, stand perfectly still and make your PvP experience AWESOME.

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