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UK135 unfair ban

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admin of uk135 banned me for spawning vehicle. frankly i have no idea how to do that and even if i did i wouldn't. suggest server admin checks logs and see that i am fair and non cheater player. contact me for GUID admin.



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Hi Tom

Your ban has been lifted and I offer my apologies for weilding the ban hammer too fast.

After my morning look through the remoteexec logs I noticed someone called Tom had spawned himself a nice shiney Black SUV along with a Chopper.

Seeing you on the server I lept into action and slammed the ban hammer down......without checking GUID's or IP's.

Very sorry mate, I will ensure that im more attentive in future and we look forward to seeing you back on UK135.

Feel free to hop our TS server (in the MOTD) and say hi, would help sort these things out quicker.

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thanks man much appreciated and thanks for the honest and rapid response. ill see you in the bean palace :)

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