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Character Name: Tanner

Why are you a good team player? Because im not a back stabbing bitch

How many hours per week do you play? 30+

Real Name: Tanner

What is your favorite weapon? Barrett 50 cal/ As50

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a month

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: DEDICATION!!!

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Hell to the mothafuckin yes

What is most important to you in Dayz? Surviving/Bitches

Time Zone: Pacific

Age: 16

Additional Comment: Add me to the clan if you want im good in Dayz and i will sacrifice my self for the clan Grandpappykush

Edited by GrandPappyKush

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Character Name: hunter

Why are you a good team player? I have clan experience

How many hours per week do you play? whenever im off work usually

Real Name: Hunter

What is your favorite weapon? Any assault

How Long Have You Played Dayz: Since there were about 12 servers avaliable

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Another person to kick some ass

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yeah, gearing up is not difficult

What is most important to you in Dayz? Playing as a team and taking out high value targets and aquiring high value items

Time Zone: EST

Age: 18

Additional Comment: steam name: riley779

Edited by STvicious

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Character Name: TrevDog

Why are you a good team player? Becuase I leave no man behind and never betray

How many hours per week do you play? atleast 15h

Real Name: Trevor Kay

What is your favorite weapon? M4 with silencer

How Long Have You Played Dayz: a couple months

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Detecation and lots of fun

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: yes

What is most important to you in Dayz? Playing with friends

Time Zone: PST

Age: 15

Additional Comment: ♥

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Character Name: Branden.

Why are you a good team player? I co-operate very well and I believe teamwork is key to being successful in anything in life.

How many hours per week do you play? I play everyday at least 4-7 hours DAILY

Real Name:Branden

What is your favorite weapon? I love the m24 , Im pretty skilled with that. Also the M4A1 CCO is also my go too.

How Long Have You Played Dayz: 2 Mounths Roughly

What Can YOU Offer The Clan:Im fun to play with , im mature , dont QQ about anything and I do play tacticlly and smart.

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members:Yes fully , I would hand my rifle over because I know he'd do the same.

What is most important to you in Dayz? Surviving , playing to have fun and just have a good time. Dont get me wrong , I love a firefight every so often.

Time Zone:Eastern , I live in Michigan


Additional Comment: I really like the approach the clan has and I also think that DayZ is ment to be played with friends and Im hopeing to make some new ones! I would also like to say thank you for taking your time to look over my application. It means alot even if I dont get picked.

Edited by Ledman40

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Character Name: Fatbongtokes420

Why are you a good team player? I believe in constant communication and teamwork, a solid plan and objective is also a necessacity.

How many hours per week do you play? I play atleast once a day for a few hours, its really the only game i make time for

Real Name: Ryan

What is your favorite weapon? M4A1 CCO SD or Any sniper honestly

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a month now

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Maturity and communication especially during raids and pvp. Will never leave a man behind and always look out for my fellow squad members. I can also bring humor and some good conversation when out of combat situations :)

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Any time....anywhere, whatever it takes to complete the mission succesfuly

What is most important to you in Dayz? Finding a squad and building a base.....solo is no fun, i never find vehicles.....

Time Zone: UTC-8 Pacific Time

Age: 21

Additional Comment: Actually fantastic at graphics design.....I can get back into it if need be to make banners for clan forums or signatures ect....

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Is this a troll? I'm not seeing anyone getting eccepted....

They are, I send out PM's, I don't accept everyone I see, you need to earn trust, and currently you have zero trust.

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They are, I send out PM's, I don't accept everyone I see, you need to earn trust, and currently you have zero trust.

Lol, trust.... Can't believe i wasted my time

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Lol, trust.... Can't believe i wasted my time

That's your problem

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Character Name: Theblob

Why are you a good team player? I've worked with other players in every other game I've played. I've been part of several clans ranging from CS Source, to BF3 and Call of Duty, I've been in world top 200 guilds in World of Warcraft and been GM of another top 1000 guild. I'm not a selfish player and usually am having fun regardless of whether or not I'm having an on or off night.

How many hours per week do you play? Between 20-30.

Real Name: Wesley

What is your favorite weapon? I love to snipe so I'd have to say an AS50.

How Long Have You Played Dayz: 3 months.

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I'm an experience dayz veteran and have been part of 2 great squads of players. These players have since moved on but I haven't lost my drive to be killed by hackers. I'm a great spotter/sniper and I know how to communicate what I'm seeing to other players.

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Of course

What is most important to you in Dayz? Having fun first and foremost but I love squad based tactical fps's. There's no better rush than wiping an enemy squad.

Time Zone: EST

Age: 24

Additional Comment: I'd love to do a vent interview or whatever you all use, I think that you would find that I'm a chill, but mature guy that can actually talk. A lot of the players in this game have no idea on how to communicate or work as a team and I bring great experience in both. Thanks!

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Character Name: Sukasa

Why are you a good team player? Goal oriented

How many hours per week do you play? on average about 20+

Real Name: John

What is your favorite weapon? any assault rifle

How Long Have You Played Dayz: little over a month

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: team player, understands and knows how to play the game

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: yes

What is most important to you in Dayz? fun

Time Zone: MST (GMT -6)

Age: 23

Additional Comment: want more people to play with

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Character Name: Silent Violence

Why are you a good team player? i love playing as a team to get things done.

How many hours per week do you play? around 38

Real Name: David

What is your favorite weapon? M24/DMR

How Long Have You Played Dayz:

What Can YOU Offer The Clan:

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members:

What is most important to you in Dayz? Since June

Time Zone: GMT


Additional Comment:

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Character Name: Silent Violence

Why are you a good team player? i love playing as a team to get things done.

How many hours per week do you play? around 38

Real Name: David

What is your favorite weapon? M24/DMR

How Long Have You Played Dayz:

What Can YOU Offer The Clan:

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members:

What is most important to you in Dayz? Since June

Time Zone: GMT


Additional Comment:

Answering all the questions help, and reading them properly also helps.

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Character Name: Oni or Oninohiro

Why are you a good team player? Yes, I prefer to play on a squad.

How many hours per week do you play? Between 15 and 30

Real Name: Rob

What is your favorite weapon? M24

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a month

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Well, I know how to both snipe and spot. I pulled overwatch for my old clan. I stay calm under fire and know how to follow orders.

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: When I was in the Army we used to say that no man gets left behind. My squads life is more important then mine.

What is most important to you in Dayz? The Team.

Time Zone: UTC -07:00 Arizona

Age: 33

Additional Comment: Not sure what to say about myself. Im former Army and have servers overseas. I follow orders well and know how to stay on mission.

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Character Name: Fatbongtokes420

Why are you a good team player? I believe in constant communication and teamwork, a solid plan and objective is also a necessacity.

How many hours per week do you play? I play atleast once a day for a few hours, its really the only game i make time for

Real Name: Ryan

What is your favorite weapon? M4A1 CCO SD or Any sniper honestly

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a month now

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Maturity and communication especially during raids and pvp. Will never leave a man behind and always look out for my fellow squad members. I can also bring humor and some good conversation when out of combat situations :)

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Any time....anywhere, whatever it takes to complete the mission succesfuly

What is most important to you in Dayz? Finding a squad and building a base.....solo is no fun, i never find vehicles.....

Time Zone: UTC-8 Pacific Time

Age: 21

Additional Comment: Actually fantastic at graphics design.....I can get back into it if need be to make banners for clan forums or signatures ect....

Don't trust this guy! See why: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/81292-fellow-bandits-or-recruiting-clan/#entry802386

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Character Name:I've spent the past month at my cousins playing there (I mean alot!) but he doesn't play and I've gotten the game myself now just need a new video card which my dad and I are going to get tommorow

Why are you a good team player? I can cooperate and accept all opinions.

How many hours per week do you play? Honestly, about 14-21 hours a week.

Real Name: Manraj Singh

What is your favorite weapon? M4, but I'm good with any sniper If I get accepted as a sniper as I've found sniping very fun and it is definetly what I am best at.

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a monthish

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I can offer the clan some excellent scouting and assault skills, also I love socializing and hope to have alot of fun with you guys!

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes.

What is most important to you in Dayz? Just plain out having fun and doing what I like. I used to play solo but I've been watching videos and rolling with a clan looks awesome :D

Time Zone:EST


Additional Comment: I'd love to join :D! and I really love being a bandit even though I don't have the skin :( My humanity is almost low enough

Edited by manraj

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Character Name:I've spent the past month at my cousins playing there (I mean alot!) but he doesn't play and I've gotten the game myself now just need a new video card which my dad and I are going to get tommorow

Why are you a good team player? I can cooperate and accept all opinions.

How many hours per week do you play? Honestly, about 14-21 hours a week.

Real Name: Manraj Singh

What is your favorite weapon? M4, but I'm good with any sniper If I get accepted as a sniper as I've found sniping very fun and it is definetly what I am best at.

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a monthish

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I can offer the clan some excellent scouting and assault skills, also I love socializing and hope to have alot of fun with you guys!

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes.

What is most important to you in Dayz? Just plain out having fun and doing what I like. I used to play solo but I've been watching videos and rolling with a clan looks awesome :D

Time Zone:EST


Additional Comment: I'd love to join :D! and I really love being a bandit even though I don't have the skin :( My humanity is almost low enough

Check your PM's!

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Character Name: Frozty

Why are you a good team player?: i share my loot, play as a team, engage a town together and most importantly, have a safe and sound camp.

How many hours per week do you play?: 3-6 hours a day

Real Name: Espen

What is your favorite weapon?: AS50 and FN FAL (one for sniping and one for engaging.

How Long Have You Played Dayz: About 2-3 Months

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Trust, loot, Honesty, teamwork.

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes

What is most important to you in Dayz?: Survive, Teamwork and having fun :)

Time Zone: GMT+2 (Norway)

Age: 15

Additional Comment: I know good spawns, weapon-vehicle spawns, Hotspots etc...and i don't hasitate to kill someone if they appear as a threat.

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Why are you a good team player? Because i like to help others to have an equal enjoyable game experience.

How many hours per week do you play? About 3-4 days a week 5/6 hours a day.

Real Name: kevin

What is your favorite weapon? M16 acog/ dmr

How Long Have You Played 3 months

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: experience playing this mod for 3 month but also playing arma style game since operation flashpoint

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: yea

What is most important to you in Dayz? Survival

Time Zone: us east

Age: 28

Additional Comment:

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Character Name: 2skillD

Real Name: 2skillD

How Long Have You Played Dayz: Since release

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I'm a coiled spring, a ticking time bomb, I NEVER relax, I'm always hungry for more, nothing surprises me, I expect the unexpected, I have real world experience of being hungry & thirsty, I am merciless, I take no prisoners, I am a natural born leader & follower, I am gone BEFORE you say go, I can navigate Chernarus without a compass or map due to my THOUSANDS of hours played, I am extremely capable with all weapon types, I never need more than ONE bullet, my extreme conditioning means I can play DayZ for literally ALL NIGHT until our enemy is neutralised. This is not a joke to me.

Are You Prepared To Sacrifice Your Items To Save Squad Memebrs: Never. The weak are to be left to shrivel and die, you know this. Do not allow yourself to become a statistic. THINK THINK THINK.

Time Zone: GMT +2


Additional Comment: Know this one fact. If I am not WITH you, then I am NOT WITH you, and this is a problem for you as a group. Approach me for my services and you will be trained to move as a group WITHOUT NEEDING WORDS. Instinct will be our words, and we will all be fluent in instinct.

This is not a joke to me.

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Character Name : Tirithon

Why Are you good team player? : Well i know how to motivate other team players.

How many hours per week do you play? : Well im playing everyday after work.

Real Name : Alexander.

What is your favourite weapon : My Favourite weapon must be AS50 or M4A1 Aim.

How long have you played DayZ? : I have been playing DayZ for 6 month.

What can you offer the clan ? : Well when people are down, i am the one who is always getting them up again

Are you prepared to sacrifice your items to save Squad members ? : Yes ofc

What is most important for you in DayZ : Well i think the most important thing in Dayz is finding your Squad member / Friend so you can start playing and having fun.

Time Zone : GMT + 2

Age : 19

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Character Name:


Why are you a good team player?

I am a good teamplayer, because I am a good tactician and because I care.

How many hours per week do you play?

I play, when I am done with school and homework. I Don't know, 20? 25 ?

Real Name:


What is your favorite weapon?

AS50 and M4 CCO SD

How Long Have You Played Dayz:

2 Months

What Can YOU Offer The Clan:

I can offer an experienced player with skills within stragedy, tactic and FPS games. Humor, which is a big part of the social network when you're in a clan. Maturity, which I think is an important thing when you join clans with alot of players. Respect. Most important i'm a nice guy. No BS, when we go into firefights, i play serious and i play to kill and survive with my crew.

Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members?

As mentioned before, i play to survive with my crew..

What is most important to you in Dayz?

Tactics and when people play, i want them and my self, of course, to bring their brains..

Time Zone:




Additional Comment:

I am looking for a clan with a brain and with mature players, i am looking for a serious clan with ambitions. I am looking for experienced players, players whos been in several firefights, and players who won't panic during firefights.. Too much panic will get the player killed = Not good.

Skype: crewnielsen

Edited by Austinn

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Character Name: 2skillD

Real Name: 2skillD

How Long Have You Played Dayz: Since release

What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I'm a coiled spring, a ticking time bomb, I NEVER relax, I'm always hungry for more, nothing surprises me, I expect the unexpected, I have real world experience of being hungry & thirsty, I am merciless, I take no prisoners, I am a natural born leader & follower, I am gone BEFORE you say go, I can navigate Chernarus without a compass or map due to my THOUSANDS of hours played, I am extremely capable with all weapon types, I never need more than ONE bullet, my extreme conditioning means I can play DayZ for literally ALL NIGHT until our enemy is neutralised. This is not a joke to me.

Are You Prepared To Sacrifice Your Items To Save Squad Memebrs: Never. The weak are to be left to shrivel and die, you know this. Do not allow yourself to become a statistic. THINK THINK THINK.

Time Zone: GMT +2


Additional Comment: Know this one fact. If I am not WITH you, then I am NOT WITH you, and this is a problem for you as a group. Approach me for my services and you will be trained to move as a group WITHOUT NEEDING WORDS. Instinct will be our words, and we will all be fluent in instinct.

This is not a joke to me.

Check Your PM's

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