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Servers disappearing?

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When I find a good server (no lag, fast loading time, not too many people, etc.), I write down the name of it so that I will remember to go on that server if I play again.

But every single time I do this, whenever I type it into the Six Launcher server search bar, nothing comes up... it's as if they disappear. I don't think I've played on any one server twice because of this problem.

Is there a solution or do I just have bad taste in servers?

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I've heard that it's a problem with gamespy's servers. Sometimes they show you certain ones sometimes they don't. Launcher type doesn't seem to make a difference (I've used six, commander, etc.). Now I just use the ingame server browser and hope my server that I like shows up.

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I've noticed servers disappearing as well, and I search for servers via the in-game filter. My best bet is that the host ran out of funding to keep the server up (DayZ servers are notoriously expensive to maintain). Either that, or down for maintenance

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Gamespy started limiting results to 500 servers for some reason... so I started keeping a copy of them for DayZCommander to counter that..

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DayZ Commander's favorties feature is a big help, but if you didn't add it and want to, try this:

Look it up on ARMA 2 Game Statistics - Server List and grab the IP address, then just punch it right into your Arma2 client by using the "Remote" button on the multiplayer server list. It'll get you where you're going.

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You forget one thing....admins turn their servers off because of the current chaoting situation? No use in buying a car if you are only allowed to use the passenger seat...

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just close 6 launcher and re open it I've had servers not show up again until my third or 4th time launching 6 launcher, not sure if it is due to ping timeout or what as my game never returns pings through 6 launcher

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