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Why punish bandits?

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AGREED. Humanity system is broke anyway. A hero was attacking me and I killed him. INSTA BANDIT! Now i can barly say "freindly" before getting shot. WHY DO I NEED THE TOWER ANYWAY? WHO AM I HIDING MY FACE FROM!?

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The only thing i say is that bring on the slower running, bring on the headscarf who cares, the only thing i would like to see is more effort put into the bandit skin. Leather jacket maybe?

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So you mean we should go back to the other way in which everybody just KOS? Is that how the game should be played because this KOS shit only started after the bandit skin was removed and gave the Bandit a huge advantage over survivors. Now ur crying about having that advantage back because ur getting shot in ur ass all the time.

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It's funny that all the Bandits are in this thread basically just spouting nonsense because they don't want anything to effect their precious days of sitting on the hills outside of Cherno/Elektro/Stary/or NW. I don't really care, I've learned about the bandit hotspots and I stay the hell away from them personally because I am not really looking for PvP too much. I do get irritated though at the mentality.

Example: I was in Stary and rang the dinner bell for a good time in the dilapidated warehouse. I had acquired an AKM and 7 mags and was just going to town on the Zeds in Stary (I had killed about 40-45 at the time) and then BAM, a bandit with some rifle felt the need to kill me. I know people always drag "realism" into this argument for whatever reason, but I'd like to think in a "real" zombie apocalypse, if someone saw a horde of zombies swarming toward someone, they would just let them go an save the bullet because ammunition for such a rifle would not be so easily found (it was a .50, the sound is unforgettable). Where is the benefit of playing as a survivor? There isn't one. Technically, if you want to play as a "survivor", the only way to currently do it is to go out of your way to avoid the best loot spawns.

This example can provide anecdotal evidence that not all playstyles are valid. I had no clue there was a bandit around, I had no drive to do anything to kill Zeds obviously, and yet there I was, dead on the catwalk. The only playstyle that is worth playing this game as is KoS, and that shouldn't be the case.

The Problem:

Nothing can be done to fix it. Sure, once hacking/duping/scripting is removed from the game the initial couple weeks will be balanced but as soon as people find an SVD/M24/etc. maybe even a Lee Enfield, the KoS will be back in force.

You can't code a game around 13 year olds who can only play a game if they are killing every person that is completely oblivious to their existence. There isn't anything that can be done that won't severly swing the pendulum back the other way. People will do whatever they want to do on any video game.

My Solution:

Increase map size in the standalone. Create more viable towns to loot, the problem is that there are only a handful of viable towns within spawn range to gear up, and they are all sniped on a daily basis.

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So you mean we should go back to the other way in which everybody just KOS? Is that how the game should be played because this KOS shit only started after the bandit skin was removed and gave the Bandit a huge advantage over survivors. Now ur crying about having that advantage back because ur getting shot in ur ass all the time.

How about giving players an actual in-game reason not to shoot people?

Edited by SillySil
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my problem with bandits is that being a bandit has too many rewards compared to being a hero. My solution is to add more skins and what not. maybe healing other random players will give you a medic skin and a bonus to bandages to heal a small amount. kill bandits give you a Bounty hunter skin and you get a bonus accuracy. just something like that. but that's my two cents.

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I propose an experiment:

A few test servers where pvp is forbidden.

A group of people will only play this servers for a month or so.

After that we ask them how better/worse this is.

Would really like to see those results.

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So you mean we should go back to the other way in which everybody just KOS? Is that how the game should be played because this KOS shit only started after the bandit skin was removed and gave the Bandit a huge advantage over survivors. Now ur crying about having that advantage back because ur getting shot in ur ass all the time.

Nah mate, i haven't played for over 3-4 weeks because the mod is just broken as it currently stands.

But my issue with the skins is that they are pretty restricting for a mod that prides itself on being sandbox.

First, it makes survivors Fire-Without-Thinking.

Some bandits aren't actually bandits. The same way some Heroes aren't actually Heroes.

Due to the flaws in the skin system we all know a player attacked by a bandit thats a poor shot can find themselves in a bandit skin due to self defense. And due to the regenerating humanity Heroes get a true bandit can exploit the skin system to appear as a hero, KoS and still keep their apparently 'Friendly' good looks.

Secondly, It traps bandits into KoS because they are 99% of the time forced into combat.

Due to the first reaction the skins impose a bandit that might be passing by peacefully gets fired on by anxious survivors, they are forced into returning fire. Locking them into the playstyle of being a bandit.

And god help any bandit thats trying to turn a new leaf, because the second they appear with guns lowered, offering bloodpacks, bandage, morphine and kisses they get ganked by the survivor they are helping because the survivors locked into the mindset of "its ok, i'm just killing a bandit.".

So thats the problem.

It forces survivors to be trigger-happy idiots, and locks bandits into a aggressive playstyle.

Trust me, after playing as a medic, survivor and bandit, getting shot by the wankers your patching up pretty quickly makes you want to kill every bastard.

Edited by Never
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my problem with bandits is that being a bandit has too many rewards compared to being a hero.

What rewards does the skin provide?

Not the playstyle now, just the skin.

I'll list the Heroes benefits for you:

1) Faster running speed.

2) Regenerating Humanity. (this being the fucking killer punchline in this.)

You list the bandits 'rewards'.

Edited by Never

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I don't see what the big fus over bandit skins is I'm a bandit and I don't mind never being able to get rid of my -60k humanity. I find the bandit skin much more stylin and you have the advantage of not seeing your back pack.

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It's not that bandits deserve to be punished, it's just that survivors don't have any practical benefits from being good guys, taking risks meeting people, not shooting immediately when they see someone, etc.

Just stop complaining about a scarf, your life is much easier as a bandit. If you don't like it play as a survivor instead.

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It seems many of the people on this forum who constantly complain about bandits have forced Rocket to act, now giving bandits completely out of place headscarfs as if a bandit thought "Oh, I know let's mark myself to get killed by people, to let them know I'm a Bandit so they can shoot me and make it "fair""

So why do people want to punish bandits, they are a part of the game and should be treated as such.

Maybe Bandits don't like survivors, and they should wear some pointy dunce hat so bandits can snipe them from further away.

My point is, being neither a Survivor nor Bandit I think both "Factions" as I think they are should be treated equally and not forced to don some silly little hat.

I totally agree OP and there have been other bandit threads like this where I have also stated it boggles my mind taking the element of surprise away from a bandit and rewarding the hero with faster movement? It all seems silly to me..but then again maybe it was put in temporarily to quell the cries about bandit kills on survivors. I for one do not truly know but I find it to be displeasing, although not game breaking.

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