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Why punish bandits?

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The only reason for this, is because they are a better players. So, let's mark them for distance visual queues, right?

If the carebears had their way, the bandits would glow bright pink and be stuck in a prone position after taking shots. Also, once they hit one of the carebears, it would be reverse damage, because how dare we ruin their fun.


Do you see the slippery slope? I hope so.

What? Better players? So FFA DM is the intended gamemode? If you want to play FFA DM there are plenty of games to choose from. This was never meant to be like that. However the mechanics favored, and still favor banditry over being friendly. And it doesn't have anything to do with skill. Any 13 year old can shoot everyone they see.

The bandit skin was implemented to add a disadvantage to banditry. Because before the patch, it didn't have any. Before the patch there was absolutely no reason not to shoot people on sight.

And don't get me wrong. I don't support the skins, I think it's a bad way of doing it. But there have to be disadvantages for banditry.

Edited by SillySil

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I've never understood why bandits have a better camouflaged skin than survivors have with the stupid blue hats... You can't see them! They should get a fluorescent jacket or something...

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I've never understood why bandits have a better camouflaged skin than survivors have with the stupid blue hats... You can't see them! They should get a fluorescent jacket or something...

And I rest my case.

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What? Better players? So FFA DM is the intended gamemode? If you want to play FFA DM there are plenty of games to choose from.

FFA DM is a bit of a simplification of DayZ in any form. There's the possibility people will be nice. But that possibility is similar in percentage to people who use their brains to the full.

This was never meant to be like that.

Love it when people claim to 'know' how the mod was meant to be. Let me clarify for you, the game is a sandbox with NO rules (other than the obvious no hacking/scripting). So saying there is any point to the mod past survival is IMO idiotic.

However the mechanics favored, and still favor banditry over being friendly.

If you were in a similar situation, banditry is the safest solution if you are in the stronger position. Thing is real life has very little relation to DayZ. So this argument is moot.

And it doesn't have anything to do with skill. Any 13 year old can shoot everyone they see.

That is hilarious. Yeah, but any 13yr old trying to shoot a skilled player is likely to die, unless they themselves are a skilled player. Then there is the whole awareness and preparation part too. In other words your argument lacks any substantial evidence.

The bandit skin was implemented to add a disadvantage to banditry. Because before the patch, it didn't have any. Before the patch there was absolutely no reason not to shoot people on sight.

So you can tell who's a bandit IRL by them wearing a headscarf? Oh hang on a minute there's no point do disadvantage banditry as there's no real advantage to being one in the first place, except you know you aren't a carebear either. Don't mean to be picky but there's no point to any playstyle, they ALL need to survive, it's ones choice how and making assumptions based off what they wear is tedious and stupid. I'd say the skins are more for those who like to play dress up, or believe that cop drama's represent real life...

And don't get me wrong. I don't support the skins, I think it's a bad way of doing it. But there have to be disadvantages for banditry.

Don't care about your support, it's the lack of support for your argument that bothers me. So far no evidence, logic or anything resembling intelligence.

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I can't believe you people are crying over such a minor thing compared to how much survivors are at a disadvantage.

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Well you could punish them for killing other players because they are too lazy to go and get thier own stuff.

Been playing for aquite a while, died a lot, fully geared up a lot and all with 0 bandit kills and 0 murders, so it's easily possible to survive without killing others, bearing that in mind, how do bandits justify killing others? Regardless of the answer don't you think the people who encounter bandits have a right to know that they are dealing with someone who has killed a bunch of people?

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Because survivors are punished every single fucking time they don't shoot someone on sight, because that person is going to kill them just to be a cunt.

Oh great logic there. You do realise there are lots of reasons to shoot someone. Loot for one, target practice for another...

I've never shot someone just because I wanted to be a "cunt".

That's why bandits are punished. Because survivors are.

Survivors are punished no more than anyone else. Can't anyone see that Bandit's are still survivors. It's not black or white or other problems that plague the small minded idiots who call themselves human.

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OP is mad because he gets KoSed by survivor noobs.

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What? Better players? So FFA DM is the intended gamemode? If you want to play FFA DM there are plenty of games to choose from. This was never meant to be like that. However the mechanics favored, and still favor banditry over being friendly. And it doesn't have anything to do with skill. Any 13 year old can shoot everyone they see.

The bandit skin was implemented to add a disadvantage to banditry. Because before the patch, it didn't have any. Before the patch there was absolutely no reason not to shoot people on sight.

And don't get me wrong. I don't support the skins, I think it's a bad way of doing it. But there have to be disadvantages for banditry.

No, there really shouldn't be. It is my choice if I want to take someone out, for a variety of reasons. Why do I have to be labeled as a "bandit?" It makes no sense. Especially if you are vying for realism. In the post apoc, there would be rampant murder everywhere. Most wouldn't trust anyone and opt to either hide or be extremely wary of anyone they would see. This game is not a DM, I agree. But, it is a PVP based game, first and foremost. You think Rocket took away guns for the newbies? No, he took them away because he thinks this game is still too easy. If you don't believe me, read up on his comments. He has said numerous times that this game will never punish "banditry," as well. The best you can hope for is a skin (which I feel is going too far in placation but, whatever).

This argument is rather tedious and you are never gonna make any headway. Face it, we are both here to stay and I bet money that 8/10 times I will get the drop on you. And, in the end, that makes you and anyone like you, QQ.

I'm sorry, but I'll try hard to miss every other shot to give you a chance to enjoy that hatchet you just picked up. I promise. =)

On an end note, when will people such as yourself grow tired of using the same old argument about how this game isn't FFA DM... blah blah blah....?

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FFA DM is a bit of a simplification of DayZ in any form. There's the possibility people will be nice. But that possibility is similar in percentage to people who use their brains to the full.

Love it when people claim to 'know' how the mod was meant to be. Let me clarify for you, the game is a sandbox with NO rules (other than the obvious no hacking/scripting). So saying there is any point to the mod past survival is IMO idiotic.

If the game was supposed to be FFA DM it would just be FFA DM with a scoreboard or something. If the game was supposed to be FFA DM there would have never been a bandit skin.

If you were in a similar situation, banditry is the safest solution if you are in the stronger position. Thing is real life has very little relation to DayZ. So this argument is moot.

What the hell are you even saying? If I were in similar situation where? In game or in real life? Cause if in real life then why would you later say that it has nothing to do with real life? This makes no sense.

And how is the argument moot? Banditry has advantage over being friendly. Setting the gamemode to FFA DM. And the devs are trying to change that. Ideally both options would be equally valid. They aren't.

That is hilarious. Yeah, but any 13yr old trying to shoot a skilled player is likely to die, unless they themselves are a skilled player. Then there is the whole awareness and preparation part too. In other words your argument lacks any substantial evidence.

Can any 13 year old try to shoot everyone they see? I don't need any evidence to prove it to you. ANYBODY can do it. The choice has nothing to do with skill. The efficiency at killing does. But I have never mentioned it.

So you can tell who's a bandit IRL by them wearing a headscarf? Oh hang on a minute there's no point do disadvantage banditry as there's no real advantage to being one in the first place, except you know you aren't a carebear either. Don't mean to be picky but there's no point to any playstyle, they ALL need to survive, it's ones choice how and making assumptions based off what they wear is tedious and stupid. I'd say the skins are more for those who like to play dress up, or believe that cop drama's represent real life...

What do you mean there is no advantage for banditry over being friendly. Sure there is. Not only you eliminate all threats asap but you get to loot the gear from dead bodies. Friendlies can't do that. Not only they have to hide more and put themselves in danger if they want to communicate with someone, they have to scavenge for everything themselves. It's way faster to just kill someone and take their stuff.

Don't care about your support, it's the lack of support for your argument that bothers me. So far no evidence, logic or anything resembling intelligence.

That's pretty ironic. You're the guy saying that dayz has nothing to do with real life and then asking me about how things look in real life.

Edited by SillySil

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No, there really shouldn't be. It is my choice if I want to take someone out, for a variety of reasons. Why do I have to be labeled as a "bandit?" It makes no sense.

"it is my choice if I want to be friendly, for variety of reasons. why do I have to be at a disadvantage compared to killing people on sight?" It makes no sense.

Currently survivors are the ones being punished. This is what makes no sense.

Especially if you are vying for realism. In the post apoc, there would be rampant murder everywhere. Most wouldn't trust anyone and opt to either hide or be extremely wary of anyone they would see.

And you know this how? It's all your speculation without ANY ground. And I can give you examples of how people always bunched up together and helped each other in dark times. And if you think you'd be running around being a badass with a gun around and murdering people for a can of beans... keep dreaming.

This game is not a DM, I agree. But, it is a PVP based game, first and foremost. You think Rocket took away guns for the newbies? No, he took them away because he thinks this game is still too easy. If you don't believe me, read up on his comments. He has said numerous times that this game will never punish "banditry," as well. The best you can hope for is a skin (which I feel is going too far in placation but, whatever).

He won't punish banditry but he's gonna favor it and thus punish being friendly. Makes sense.

This argument is rather tedious and you are never gonna make any headway. Face it, we are both here to stay and I bet money that 8/10 times I will get the drop on you. And, in the end, that makes you and anyone like you, QQ.

I'm sorry, but I'll try hard to miss every other shot to give you a chance to enjoy that hatchet you just picked up. I promise. =)

On an end note, when will people such as yourself grow tired of using the same old argument about how this game isn't FFA DM... blah blah blah....?

I'm the one on the electro hill with as50 and a 2 friends with AWS. I'd have over 100k negative humanity if my stats didn't reset for some reason upon one death. You really should stop assuming things, you're really bad at it.

Edited by SillySil

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I'll kill SillySally's argument in one word.



If this is a sandbox. How come a particular way of playing is favored?

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You can't balance for play-styles, if you choose to play a certain way that has its disadvantages then that's your problem, perfect example being a WoW paladin Shockadin in TBC (look it up if you want) which isn't a viable spec at all anymore since WoTLK yet people still play it and live by it cause they want to.

Few questions though, where is the punishments for being heroes? you choose to put yourself at risk to help others (like cops, heck even superheroes? being a criminal is favored?) which isn't punishment but your choice. How do you think this game would end up if they balanced everything for all types of play-styles? My play style is solo play killing others, then trading there gear to better myself. Personally see myself as a Bandit trader or a Bandit looking to cash in a bounty, should they balance this for me? since i must risk trading with a bandit skin or meeting others i don't know to trade with.

I see no disadvantages for either "bandits" or "heroes" just one style of play is easier than the other depending on who you are and what you can do. If you would like to point out though why a bandit play-style is favored, please be my guest since i know you just gonna post advantages for that style, yet heroes also has its advantages with the main one being trustworthy.

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No, there really shouldn't be. It is my choice if I want to take someone out, for a variety of reasons. Why do I have to be labeled as a "bandit?" It makes no sense. Especially if you are vying for realism.

I'm not so sure this is unrealistic

In the wilder parts and times of the wild-west they had wanted posters; notorious bandits were well known. In a real breakdown of society;zombies or no zombies; i would give an average guy or gang wandering about a small town blasting innocent people a pretty short life expectancy and if they survived any time at all I would expect their faces to be plastered everywhere with 'wanted, dead or alive' in big read letters

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No one is being punished for anything. It's a game and if you let it be anything else then you need to re-evaluate your life.

Yes, it's easier being a bandit especially with a ghilli suit and a sniper rifle. You never have to get close to someone, never have to share anything, never have to put yourself in danger. Some people like playing that way.

This notion that Bandits are ruining the game for others is laughable. They are apart of the PVP game. This is a PVP game even if you're not into it. There's plenty of 0 pop servers out there if you want to avoid PVP or get your own private server. Simple as that.

Bandits are needed in this game. Zombies are only a nuisance and let's be honest... they only kill us if we are really, really stupid or one of them gets a lucky knock out punch.

The skins are fine.

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I see no disadvantages for either "bandits" or "heroes" just one style of play is easier than the other depending on who you are and what you can do.

Does not compute. Isn't the guy playing in the harder style at a disadvantage compared to the guy who plays in the easier style?

If you would like to point out though why a bandit play-style is favored, please be my guest since i know you just gonna post advantages for that style, yet heroes also has its advantages with the main one being trustworthy.

I already listed them. You eliminate threats asap and additionally you get their stuff. Never have to go scavenge yourself. You can avoid going to hotspots. Friendlies don't do that. Not only they have to go to hospitals/shops/stary/nw/etc they either hide from or approach strangers which is more dangerous than just putting a bullet in them.

And yeah, you can balance for playstyles. WoW being perfect example. Whether you are DPS, heal or tank you can get the same thing. It's all viable.

Edited by SillySil

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You can get something as a hero as well? you get a bullet proof vest for small cal weapons, run faster, cooler skin, trust with the skin, etc. For bandits those threats fight back btw, its not a simple "i shoot you lose" all the time and which bandit never scavenges? I'm sorry we all start from scratch when dead right? and which bandit doesn't go to hotspots? we make the hotspots hot. Also why do you "have" to go to stary? nw airfield? everything you need to help others is South.

Again as i said, if you choose to play the harder play-style (Shockadin which was my WoW example, I don't know how yours relates at all, maybe re-read it.) then that's your problem, I find being a solo bandit pretty hard to VS groups, easier would be running around with a mak + medical supplies and help people, cause if i die i lose nothing worth while.

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"Does not compute. Isn't the guy playing in the harder style at a disadvantage compared to the guy who plays in the easier style?"

And no, since it isn't given to him. He basically picked it. IF you became a hero and your aim was dropped 5% cause you to friendly (idk lol) that would be a disadvantage. Currently there are no disadvantages given to either hero's or bandits, only play-styles have a disadvantage which is present in every game, cause certain play-styles are not as good as others, etc.

Edited by HighPiez

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A ski mask would have been a cooler "shoot me cause i'm a bad guy" indicator, imo.

The shemagh was simply available. A lot of how this stuff looks and how it works was simply a result of what was easy to do.

The scarf really means nothing either way, people are largely not paying attention to what is going on around them. They're not going to see it and make some sort of better decision.

There are 3 types of players - carebears, do-gooders, and bandits. The carebears are clueless no matter what, it's only the other two that are paying attention.

Edited by Just a Goat

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I've never understood why bandits have a better camouflaged skin than survivors have with the stupid blue hats... You can't see them! They should get a fluorescent jacket or something...

And I rest my case.

I see sarcasm is wasted on you sir. All I'm saying is there are better skins in game than the standard survivor model. I have no issue with this game being PvP, what I'm saying is lets put it on level playing grounds as far as looks are concerned.

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In my experience, the bandit skin is a badge of honor, an achievement. SInce humanity regenerates over time, you have to maintain your bandit status by banditing. Many of the guys who cry about Alt+F4 denying them kills aren't worried about loot or winning fights, they're worried about not getting their douchebag points. They aren't going to go over there and take the hatchet and makarov from the dude they sniped, they aren't afraid he's going to do them harm, they aren't going to starve without his beans. They want that negative humanity, and they feel bad about getting -100 for shooting a guy instead of a bigger score for killing him. In EvE Online, the security status (functional equivalient of humanity) is capped at +/- 10.0, and a pirate who rolls around with -9.9 is often ridiculed by his mates and called a carebear. They'll avoid doing things that'll gain them sec status, because that blinking red skull and the perfect -10 is the mark of their order.

Once the duping and scripting goes away, so that it's tougher to spend 95% of your play time on a rooftop or hill picking off newbs, it'll become even tougher to keep humanity low, since finding and killing dudes when you don't have an AS50 TWS with infinite ammo will likely require a certain amount of effort and skill. If they can get that skin and keep it, more power to them, I say.

As for the people who get it accidentally or want to avoid being recognized as bandits, there's always the camo clothing and ghillie suit. I've been finding camo every other life lately, and I really like the look. Just don't forget to drop your pack before putting it on, unless you want to be rocking the patrol pack.

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The 'scarfs' were there from the start, they were just taken out for a while.

As for fairness: Bandits 'scores' regardless of what they kill, survivors can only 'score' by killing bandits, fairness doesn't realy have anything to do with the turbans, a certain balance do though. It's not the best system for it but it's probably as good as it gets as a mod.

As far as i know bandits vs survivors was always a core part of the gameplay so why do people want to pretend that it's not as soon as it affects their easy-mode?

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