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Admin kicks a player out of server for shooting him.

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Ok i am deeply offended by all the hackusations going around. nobody was hacking we cant help that YOU have no luck and the game hates you. we on the other hand have amazing finds and the game loves us. so go QQ now and cry hacks when someone kills/kicks you.

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Ok i am deeply offended by all the hackusations going around. nobody was hacking we cant help that YOU have no luck and the game hates you. we on the other hand have amazing finds and the game loves us. so go QQ now and cry hacks when someone kills/kicks you.

you also forgot the part where we had tuns of fun with flares

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I would post proof if you decide to accuse an admin of this on the forums. A videos would be nice. You can't expect the "fans" to treat you nicely after you post this would you? They're just going to spout out immature idiotic garbage to defend him. Still, there's no proof that the guy you are mentioning is doing what you accuse him of.

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I would post proof if you decide to accuse an admin of this on the forums. A videos would be nice. You can't expect the "fans" to treat you nicely after you post this would you? They're just going to spout out immature idiotic garbage to defend him. Still, there's no proof that the guy you are mentioning is doing what you accuse him of.

he cant give proof because there is none, also the fact about immature and idiotic garbage is coming out of people that dont know how to properly handle a retard like the one that started this post.

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