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Admin kicks a player out of server for shooting him.

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This guy is hacking on the server atm, he's spawning shit in for himself and crap and banning anyone who shoots at him.

He's got his hacker buddy giving him nightvision each time he gets owned and spawning shit himself.

Man this guy is fat.

Edited by TheMachine

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This guy is hacking on the server atm, he's spawning shit in for himself and crap and banning anyone who shoots at him.

He isn't hacking, but his two friends are hacking that he refuses to ban from his server. Yet he has no problem kicking people are doing nothing wrong. Please don't spread false rumors.

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He's a collaborator at the very least and an admin abusing his power.

GTFO gothapotamuos. i agree though, his hacker friends need to be banned. also, he's not on his server now.

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Should be blacklisted if what OP says is true. If not OP can suck a dick. However, OP should take the footage and clip it so you can prove he kicked an innocent. If so contacting Deidrick would be easy enough. :)

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Should be blacklisted if what OP says is true. If not OP can suck a dick. However, OP should take the footage and clip it so you can prove he kicked an innocent. If so contacting Deidrick would be easy enough. :)

He's already said on live stream that he's going to delete the video.

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Cmon guys, stop being idiots. Towelliee banned SwizZz because he thought he was hacking and Griefing, as in he thought he made himself invulnerable while killing others. He wasnt, and so he apologized like 5 minutes afterwards.

Even if the other guys are "hackers" they are not griefing everyone. Also, just because they give him nightvision goggles doesnt mean they are hacking. They are just picking up the ones he drops when Towelliee dies, and gives him the same one.

Stop being idiots guys.

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You guys are funny. Watch the whole stream, rather than spreading false rumors. He already kicked the Jason guy that keeps spawning hacked stuff, but the guy somehow found his way back in. Its not Towelliee's fault this guy keeps following him. He said he could delete the video if he wanted to, never said hes going to. He already apologized for kicking a guy that shouldnt have been kicked. He was trying to kick the guy that was shooting a rocket launcher pistol, or whatever the hell it was.

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Hey Bobman,

I work closely to with the DEVS and PR guys who work with BE. You do know that I lure hackers to my server to get banned right? Thanks for blowing my cover you dumb bastard. Jesus.

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First of all I honestly had no idea people could this upset over a video game, I am in shock. Secondly I am viewing his stream and he is not the one hacking so he can not get banned for it and it is is choice if he wants to pick up the loot people are spawning in. Also it is his own server and this isn;t affecting you in anyway how he wants to play. Lastly as I told bobman and now I'll tell themachine if this guy playing the game the way he wants to play is affecting you this bad I beg of you to go for a walk or something and try to relax because you have some sort of addiction to video games because I really don't understand why you are this upset

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Hey Bobman,

I work closely to with the DEVS and PR guys who work with BE. You do know that I lure hackers to my server to get banned right? Thanks for blowing my cover you dumb bastard. Jesus.

I didn't blow your cover. You just blew your own cover by making this post.

Edited by Bobman
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We've got internet "celebrity" drama up in here, everybody choose a side and fight to the death!

I'm far from an internet celebrity.

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We've got internet "celebrity" drama up in here, everybody choose a side and fight to the death!

Bobman and TheMachine are not celebrities, they are just idiots.

Although being an idiot makes you famous these days, so nevermind.

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We've got internet "celebrity" drama up in here, everybody choose a side and fight to the death!

Or just /popcorn.

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Bobman and TheMachine are not celebrities, they are just idiots.

Although being an idiot makes you famous these days, so nevermind.

How am I an idiot? I'm not the one posting "OH HERP DERP TROLL FATTY" now that is the real idiot in this thread.

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How am I an idiot? I'm not the one posting "OH HERP DERP TROLL FATTY" now that is the real idiot in this thread.

Touche' I agree with that, thats pretty silly.

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That guy just kicked someone out of his server for shotting him live on stream. I really hope popular live streamers are not getting special privelages.

By the way, thanks for giving me something new to watch on the computer. This guy is funny as hell.

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By the way, thanks for giving me something new to watch on the computer. This guy is funny as hell.

No problem.

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How am I an idiot?

you started this thread, you are a herp derp fatty troll, you intentionally posted in the wrong section for teh internet dramaz. srsly, are you that lamefuck beytill?

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ok first things first, do you have any proof that towelliee actually hacked anything at all? 2nd thing. the rules of DayZ dont say "you will be banned if you interact with hackers", if you dont do any hacking you havent done anything wrong............ last thing, people are warned time after time that if they dont want to die from hackers or if they have good loot not to come to US 717 fat farm because you will likely get killed by hackers.

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you started this thread, you are a herp derp fatty troll, you intentionally posted in the wrong section for teh internet dramaz. srsly, are you that lamefuck beytill?

btw an idea, dont bring your own little personal hate for someone into a thread thats hating on towelliee, it dosent get you anywhere.

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