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Made fun of my age, dead in seconds.

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... you fucking realize you showed your age by going berserk, right? The whole point of them making fun of you was to prove yourself, not get butt-hurt because its true.

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It's called natural selection and it exists for a reason. If the kid wants to kill himself because someone made fun of him and he wants to be a pussy about it, so be it. The world will be a better place for it because he'd just grow up and raise a kid to be more of a pussy then he was.

Making jokes about suicide? Dude, not cool. You should be flogged on the quarter deck...whatever that means. *Who gets the reference I made there?*

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... you fucking realize you showed your age by going berserk, right? The whole point of them making fun of you was to prove yourself, not get butt-hurt because its true.

Well if someone was making fun of you and you had the chance to shoot them *On a game of course* would you?

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I remember when i was 10 and playing cs. Everbody was teasing me about my Voice and age, but i took it like a man even tough i was just a small kid. I didn't get angry because they were right. And no, this wasn't an year ago, this was twelve years ago.

My point being, if you get angry because of somebody teases you about your age, then you really aren't as grown up as you think.

Yeah and twelve years ago 10 years old playing videogapmpes on internet wasn't that common :P

Edited by csharp
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Well if someone was making fun of you and you had the chance to shoot them *On a game of course* would you?

The point is you're not supposed to get butt hurt. You've got a lot to learn.

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this thread has made me hate children even more.

Well I did single-handedly start a mini-war between mature people and total dicks.

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Making jokes about suicide? Dude, not cool. You should be flogged on the quarter deck...whatever that means. *Who gets the reference I made there?*

Some day you'll learn how the world really works, and then you'll understand. The first thing you have to do is leave mommy and daddys house, then when you become and adult, leave your first world country and see how the rest of the world looks. That shit isn't pretty kid. Combine that experience with the knowledge that the lifestyle we live is not sustainable, you get a darker view on life.
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fake story all the way. 3 friendlies chilling in a supermarket in cherno. sounds totally legit lo.

and you aren't 13 its obvious as hell. but you did get to page 2 so decent troll is decent.

Edited by Ganjastar

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Some day you'll learn how the world really works, and then you'll understand. The first thing you have to do is leave mommy and daddys house, then when you become and adult, leave your first world country and see how the rest of the world looks. That shit isn't pretty kid. Combine that experience with the knowledge that the lifestyle we live is not sustainable, you get a darker view on life.

I already have a pretty dark view of life. I mean I've been to a canadian school. That's pretty fucking dark shit you see in there.

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fake story all the way. 3 friendlies chilling in a supermarket in cherno. sounds totally legit lo.

and you aren't 13 its obvious as hell. but you did get to page 2 so decent troll is decent.

You obviously haven't met people like my friends, or people who don't have a personality that is basically "Shoot first, never answer"

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It's called natural selection and it exists for a reason. If the kid wants to kill himself because someone made fun of him and he wants to be a pussy about it, so be it. The world will be a better place for it because he'd just grow up and raise a kid to be more of a pussy then he was.

Hey that's not funny

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You sir deserve some beans for making me laugh this hard. In another note, I don't think people get it, so I will copy and paste it here.

*Ahem* Directly from the topic's beginning:

God damnit people I just wanted to entertain not start fucking WW3.

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If you wanted to show your maturity, posting about how much of an e-badass you are in a game is a poor start.

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If you wanted to show your maturity, posting about how much of an e-badass you are in a game is a poor start.

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You made a thread about it, so yes.

*Thinks back on your previous comment* Well I didn't mean to make myself look like a e-badass, but I fooled someone into thinking I was. So maybe I am abit of a e-badass. Thank you. :)

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Arma 2 is rated M for mature, which means that you should not be playing it if you under the age of 18. Shame on your parents.

Well I am more mature than the average 18 year old nowadays so I consider myself mature enough.

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*Thinks back on your previous comment* Well I didn't mean to make myself look like a e-badass, but I fooled someone into thinking I was. So maybe I am abit of a e-badass. Thank you. :)

Well I am more mature than the average 18 year old nowadays so I consider myself mature enough.

I scoffed.

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I started playing games online at the young age of 13 too, Diablo 1, was no VoIP readily available so nobody to laugh at my voice I guess though it did break quite early, but I think its when 13 year olds try to act like they are older and more mature than what they actually are you begin to get problems. A 13 year old should really behave like one, the whole completely grammatically correct, being able to be remain completely composed to 'trolling' etc is at total odds with their developing hormones etc, and as such they get themselves in a war with people who are laughing as the kid tries to fit in.

Used to happen more commonly but it was little brothers and sisters being picked on by older brothers and sisters, cousins etc, but in those situations, the kid could be put into his/her place, forgiveness etc could be given and mediators like parents or even OLDER brothers and sisters were able to help defuse. With the internet, the anonymity throws a lot of that out the water and these kids try even harder to prove themselves, but also don't have anyone to put the brakes on them when they go out of line. The lessons they would normally learn in the real world are lost and the kids go through a phase where they probably grief everyone else in their rage.

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Yeahhhh, I don't think you reinforced your claim to maturity when you decided to go on immature rampage, screaming at them through the mic after they made fun of you. Granted, they obviously weren't mature players either, but you've definitely helped reinforce the stereotype of younger players.

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Quite frankly? I somewhat have to say...This is a bunch of B.S. I mean let's face it, some random kid raged because he gets made fun of due to his voice like on EVERY OTHER INTERNET GAME. So fuckin what? If you can't take your VOICE being made fun of? Just wait until your ass gets to high school and further. Please, stop crying, if ya wanna kill yourself? Well, that's your choice. And if ya don't plan on doing it? Then don't even mention anything related to it. Just because you heard a big scary word doesn't mean you deserve to use it. And you're saying a person on the internet makes people like you want to suicide? There's a difference between third hand murder and self inflicted stupidity. And quite honestly? In the courts? They really, really wouldn't give a good god damn. And yea, they are right, you SHOULDN'T be playing an M rated game. If for no other reason then the fact you can't take a simple insult. Grow up. Grow a pair. And grow some brain cells. And quite frankly? Just because you can write nice and pretty doesn't prove you're mature, it just proves you've payed enough attention to hide behind something like a barrier until it's forced to be removed. Until ya grow up? Stay off of DayZ, you don't have any right on it. And the "18 year olds" you're more mature then? Riiiiiiight. That's a very specific number. And I'm sorry you live in some sheltered little life where every 18 you meet is a dumbass. It's a game, it's meant to be trolled, and done for ones own enjoyment, not everybody at the same times enjoyment. Congrats, ya poped off a few rounds and killed some people, woopdi fuckin do ya got bragging rights. But you should only brag when you have enough controle to leave out the motivation to a point and just enjoy the experience.

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