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My solution to the 'shoot-on-sight' problem.

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First off, I recognize not everyone thinks it's a problem. I personally have no problem with PKers, it's what keeps me on my toes. However, I do an issue with rewarding PKers, and not Survivors. It leads to an environment where everyone just kills everyone i.e. the 'shoot-on-sight' problem.

Anyways, here is my simple idea. As a player kills other players, their humanity lowers. This is already a function within the game. As their humanity lowers, the rate at which their food, water, temperature, and blood (when injured) decreases at a faster rate. It would start as only a slight decrease in regeneration, and as the player killed more people, and lost more humanity, the rate of decrease would increase.

The reason I think this is a good mechanic, is because it makes the player think about the positive and negatives of killing other players. On one hand, you get to loot their items, on the other hand, you're going to need more food, water, heat, and possibly blood to maintain the status quo.

This would make targeting newbie players less attractive, as you would be sacrificing regeneration for a Makarav and some beans. It also wouldn't classify anyone as a 'bandit', forcing them into a certain playstyle. If a player decided he wanted to increase his regeneration (to normal levels), he simply would have to increase his humanity by helping others, as opposed to killing others.

Anyways, I think something like this would be a step in the right direction. It would make players balance the risk vs. reward of killing other players, while not severely punishing those that want to PK for their resources, as opposed to taking the time to collect it on their own.

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Another thread?

My solution: You spawn without guns. /problems solved

Edit: This means everyone spawns without guns, not just bandits.

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First off' date=' I recognize not everyone thinks it's a problem. I personally have no problem with PKers, it's what keeps me on my toes. However, I do an issue with rewarding PKers, and not Survivors. It leads to an environment where everyone just kills everyone i.e. the 'shoot-on-sight' problem.

Anyways, here is my simple idea. As a player kills other players, their humanity lowers. This is already a function within the game. As their humanity lowers, the rate at which their food, water, temperature, and blood (when injured) decreases at a faster rate. It would start as only a slight decrease in regeneration, and as the player killed more people, and lost more humanity, the rate of decrease would increase.

The reason I think this is a good mechanic, is because it makes the player think about the positive and negatives of killing other players. On one hand, you get to loot their items, on the other hand, you're going to need more food, water, heat, and possibly blood to maintain the status quo.

This would make targeting newbie players less attractive, as you would be sacrificing regeneration for a Makarav and some beans. It also wouldn't classify anyone as a 'bandit', forcing them into a certain playstyle. If a player decided he wanted to increase his regeneration (to normal levels), he simply would have to increase his humanity by helping others, as opposed to killing others.

Anyways, I think something like this would be a step in the right direction. It would make players balance the risk vs. reward of killing other players, while not severely punishing those that want to PK for their resources, as opposed to taking the time to collect it on their own.



It presents a multitude of new problems there

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ITT: "PvP is bad, punish bandits through artificial bullshit"

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Whats up with all those posts? Almost all of them are the same "i dont have any problem with pk.. but lets punish them!!"

And the arguments for it are crap.

Killing newbies is ALREADY almost worthless except for sport and beans. If someone is using a military weapon to do it it is punishment enough to have to go out and find another clip for the gun.

The game is fine as it is. If you dont want to get shot, stay out of cherno, elektro or away from the beach. If you think its still unfair, play on hardcore servers. Forced 1st person and no nametags makes hiding much easier.

I have played for over a week and have never been shot by another player.

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I realize the people who love to PK want no penalties associated with their playstyle. Like I said, the game wouldn't be the same without PKers. I don't want to get rid of PKers, or even punish the severely. I'm more interested in promoting an environment of choices and decisions, something that would exist in a Zombie Apocalypse. Balancing risk vs. reward. In the current environment, there is no choice or decision to bemade. You either kill, or be killed... and it creates a rather stale environment, for everyone.

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I have a better idea.

Introduce a real "local chat", better it to be vocal chat. Decide a "main language" for the servers.

There problem solved. No need for game mechanics to do what player should do.

Protip: Swap the starting makarov for a flashlight. No more "makarov deathmatch", no more "oh noes it's night! I can't play this game!"

Seriously. I've seen more thread and post about "oh my. This is a death match!" then people that tried to kill me/I killed in game...

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People in prison do not eat twice the amount a free person does. I'm really sick of having to explain the type of suggestions Rocket would even consider putting in the game. In any case, of you have a suggestion, please put it in the suggestion forum, even though you know it will get seen here.

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Well, like I said, I'm sure people will just see it as a "punish PKers" thread, but it's about more than that. I live in the NE and have no problem surviving days on end. I just think it would be nice if I didn't have to murder every person that crossed my path (except for the 2 guildies I play with on TS). It would be nice if there were risks and rewards associated with social interactions. Decisions to be made that weren't black and white, but shades of gray.

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How bout people just stop freaking crying about all the pvp/pk or whatever you want to label it? This is anarchy from a game stand point. The laws should be made by the players. There doesn’t need to be any changes with the system. If you want to be a trusting fool in a post apocalyptic environment, go right ahead. Don’t try and punish others though if they want to plug you in the back.

Trust is a rare commodity, and….well….so are beans.

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People in prison do not eat twice the amount a free person does. I'm really sick of having to explain the type of suggestions Rocket would even consider putting in the game. In any case' date=' of you have a suggestion, please put it in the suggestion forum, even though you know it will get seen here.


And in a Zombie Apocalypse, every person in the World wouldn't be carrying a gun and shooting everyone they saw in the face without saying a word. I love the "realism" arguments, especially from a mod. :rolleyes:

Thanks for moving my thread to the correct forum though. You're doing a great job.

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My solution: You spawn without guns. /problems solved

I like the idea, but one with a gun could just spawn camp the defenseless noobies, even though they have no loot on them (other than water/beans but i doubt you would need so much.)

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Protip: Swap the starting makarov for a flashlight. No more "makarov deathmatch"' date=' no more "oh noes it's night! I can't play this game!"


That's actually a very good idea. It's almost impossible to start at night without maxing gamma at the moment.

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Until at the very least the direct coms are fixed, don't expect the situation to change... I can't play the game the way I'd like to until players are given the means to interact in a way other than just shooting each other. I'll try again once walkie-talkies are implemented, until then...

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Another thread?

My solution: You spawn without guns. /problems solved

Edit: This means everyone spawns without guns' date=' not just bandits.


All it takes is a quick visit to the closest church/barn/supermarket to get a gun, and then it will be even worse because the unarmed players would just be shot down

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guys , this is not wow...its the hard and hardcore world without pity ,and we play this game cause almost nothing else give us this feeling. Survive... kill or be killed.

I will kill noobs even if they don't have a SINGLE ITEM ,just cause they will maybe take the ammo in the house 1km from here, and no, i don't want, thats MY AMMOOOOOOO !!!

Why should we have concequence for killing people? is there any judge / justice ?

guys, its the justice of the guns ,of the smart guy who'll do the ermit with a sniper in the forest, of the guys who'll group, or the skilled lonewolf who'll one shot you from 1km while you are full of shit. WHY SHOULD WE HAVE CONSEQUENCE ? there is no police over here , its an apokaliptik punk fest , and the truth is in the eye of the judge.

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I think this game need definitly a change. In a game the behavior of the people isnt the same like the reality. Why you should kill one human under 50000 zombies without saying a word??? But in a game there are lots of people who think that will be funny. I like games where i can be the bad one, without having a handicap, but in this mod you i think this cant work well. Its too frustrating if you get killed 1) as noob after 10 minutes or 2) as a player who survived 5, 10 or 20 days without killing a survivor by a headshot from the back or over 2km from a sniper. There is no fun. Its only trolling from "assholes".

There should be (immediate!) advatages for "social" people. Maybe better chance for loot, better persistance or better resisitance against zombies or against headshots.

Or give them better equip after dead (for example a piece of there old equip like the map, the old pistole or a mainweapon) or a better spawnpoint (in the near of good equip in the middle of the island). At the moment there is "no reason" to dont kill other players (except posibility of teamplay)

A good change will be a "instant communikation menue" i think, so that you can fast communicate with the guy next to you. Maybe you can use the normal ArmA communicationmenue (numberkeys) and change the entrys, for example in "Freeze", "Dont shoot", "im friendly", "Take cover" and so on and so on.

At the moment you will be killed before you can write a word in the chat and this sucks for me heavy!

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Remove all guns from the game...you get a torch, knife and a pat on the back. Make traps to kill animals, strike up trade with your fellow survivors for beans and the like.

The game does not need guns to make it successful. There are lots of places in the world where you would be unlikely to find a gun, no matter how hard you tried.

Think outside the box and give the no gun approach a try.

Another thing to try would be Survivor/Bandit allocation on every server...say 10% bandits allowed per server. If a 50 man server has 5 bandits already then no new bandits can join. Eventually there will be a lot of bandits sitting unable to join servers...this would force people into working more co-cooperatively and focusing on surviving rather than murdering...

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Z-Grim: no guns... OK... boring after a while - the use of weapons being a core question in DayZ

survivor bandit allocation? so... basically... eugenics? fuck you

people need to read up on the prisoners' dilemma

also, learn to use the salute key

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Here's an idea, stop thinking you need to work with every player in the game. Avoid contact with those you don't know. In the real world, if it all went to hell there would be rioting and chaos and you wouldn't walk up to anyone a salute. You would avoid contact will all unkown persons for fear that they would potentially do you harm. This is realism. Not "Hey, So and So are you friendly? DERP!"

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Sorry but this isnt right. Of curse you will be carefull by contact other people you dont know, but sure you want contact them! no one want to life alone! and no one with a "good brain" shoots on people they dont know - also not in a zombie-apokalypse!

you can also check you conclusion: if all people have fear and avoid contact to other people, why then some of them shoot on others?

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