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This is my confession

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It's been little over a month since I got to the coast now, I've been through hell a couple of times but I feel that I'm starting to get used to this, as odd as that may seem. The dead don't scare me that much anymore, they're just there, walking aimlessly and as long as you keep to yourself and don't do anything rash they won't bother you for the most part. It's the living I fear now....the end of the world has this strange power to bring out the worst from people out to the surface, and nobody seems to be safe from it...

At first I thought I was... I swore to myself that I wouldn't become another one of those savages I've seen through my binoculars from afar, mercilessly shooting at each other just for a couple of bandages or a can of beans... Now I'm no stranger to a firefight, during my time here I've been shot at a couple of times and I have returned fire as well, I have killed people, but only those that shot at me first. I don't kill for sport.

But Chernarus is a strange place, it slowly toys with your mind, it breaks it little by little... Lately I have found myself watching people through my scope from afar, finger on the triger watching them run from the Walkers or slowly threading through houses and barns. And I have delved in shooting them, ending their lives with just one twitch of my fingertip and that has put a smile on my face... I no longer know how long will it be until the urge to shoot defeats my now weakend morality. I'm slowly starting to rationalize it, I mean if they're dead they won't shoot me right? .... I just hope I get careless before that happens, I hope somebody bests me before I finally become one of those savages I fear... I just hope.

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This confession is epic. I have been in your shoes and have gone the limit. I pull the trigger simply because I do not want the bullet spray in my skull. It's no crime to survive, only to let others not of your "kind" (friends) survive. This is Day Z NOT Day A. The end is here and you have to survive.

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I'm at that point as well. The point where I watch people very carefully and communicate with my partner about movements and possibilities. He's always itching to kill someone ever since he got shot in the face by a "friendly" bandit who we were giving some free med supplies for helping us out of a sticky situation...

I won't shoot people if they will leave us alone, but if I hear shots nearby, I'm on full alert and KOS mode.

If there's a building I can hole up in, I will do so and start screaming over my mic that following me would be a deadly mistake... Most people heed the warning, but 3 poor souls in the past week haven't been so lucky. One even had no gun - a sad mistake brought on by paranoia. :(

But I just got my hands on an M16 ACOG and I'm itching to test it on something other than the deaf, dead, and ugly. Got teleported to cherno from NWAF, so that time may be very, very soon... We shall see.

Edited by Ipurgepeople

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