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Six Updater doesn't list

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Hi. I've been trying to update DayZ for about a week now. I figured it was a problem with Six Updater, and I could wait it out, but then it never came up. I must be doing something wrong. I click on the Six Launcher and verify. I asks me if I want to launch but it still says at the top, and I can't join servers. Then I go to Six Updater and it updates. I'm still on when I check and I look through the list for the newest update. It's not on the list. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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The Update isn't on Six Updater yet. It will release soon though.

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If you continue to use Six Launcher/Updater, you can't join servers until the devs approve the hotfix patch for it. Since I have just today seen the same graphical glitch on a server that was supposed to address, I'll venture that it's not going to be approved soon. There should still be servers around, and you can join those. Or you should be able to.

If you are determined to play on a server, then you might install DayZ Commander, and use that instead. It takes a little bit to understand how to use it right, but when you've figured it out, its a very handy application.

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Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the help guys, I'm just going to play until the next version is available on Six Launcher. :)

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Get a program called Dayz commander, x100 times better then sixlauncher

He said it.

Whoever is making that utility are brilliant people. I would gladly bring them a coyote full of beans, they deserve the props. Seriously well made tool.

Edited by n'Zapador

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