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Bal Sofs Tihl

Broke my legs crawling, again

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So, I was trying to walk through a door and was having some trouble. I managed to wiggle through, eventually, then went prone because zombies. That took half my blood and broke my legs. Is there a way to avoid this? Do I just need to be further from the building or something? This is the second time this has happened in this same life.

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Dont go prone anywhere where your limbs might clip into an object, that usually breaks your bones

Went down to -30k blood once cause I broke my bones on the edge of a table >.>"

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You're lucky, my three day old character died crawling under a tree - I nearly snapped my keyboard in half!

So......never reverse under a tree, if you do, never turn around or attempt to crouch!

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Walking through certain doors can be a bit tricky if you're approaching them from an angle, especially if you're crouched or prone. Avoid doing either of those things and your chances of getting stuck or breaking a bone will be minimized. ;)

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