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Hey guys,

I'm wondering if I should buy Arma: CO to play the Day Z mod now? Or should I wait later when the standalone is released and buy that? I read somewhere that its going to be released around the end of the year? Not sure on that though...

But help me out on my decision please!! I would love to start playing, but I'm stuck with this!

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This game is definitly worth it, but you will have to deal with a lot of bugs and hackers. If you don't mind that go on and buy it, I did and didn't regret it by now!

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i havent even encountered a hacker, just dont play on servers with 30+ people, BUY IT ! so worth it

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If you're just looking to play the mod: Don't buy. Wait for the standalone.

If you're going to put some hours into Arma CO itself: Buy now.

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If the standalone is released in November, you should still be able to squeeze enought hours out of DayZ to justify buying it now. The mod will still be continued after the standalone, but it the standalone is even barely playable at release, I plan to leave the mod behind.

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id buy it now. assuming your going to enjoy the game, I'm sure you will play it enough to justify $30 bucks. Ya there are bugs, but you get used to it and learn what not to do; and i dont run into hackers half as often as other people seem to. but like the other guy said, i also don't go in massive servers very often.

Buy it now! you wont regret it

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I say you buy arma 2 now. Cus ArmA 2 is an awesome game in my opinion :3

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i havent even encountered a hacker, just dont play on servers with 30+ people, BUY IT ! so worth it

i dont think the 3 servers i play on ever hit 30 people not even 20 and still alot of hackers join, you know not all hackers just want to join populated servers and teleport around the shore killing noobs. almost everyday some hacker joins and teles to all the vehicles and blows them up.

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i would wait unless you have alot of money to throw at games full of hackers,

Lol@ a lot of money.

Arma2:CO is $33

The standalone is supposed to be what, $15? Less is you buy it in alpha.

So that's less than $50 for 2 games plus an expansion for one if them.

Seeing as most crapy games cost at least $50, that is neither a lot of money or a waste.

Edited by Ratnix

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The Standalone is suppose to be only 15 bucks!? Thats awesome. Ill guess Ill buy Arma CO for the mod, I dunno how much Im going to play the actual game but, if the Standalone is only 15 bucks sure Ill buy CO.

Thank you for the response guys! Keep discussing.

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I bought Arma 2 CO and PMC and BAF. JUST to play DayZ. but. I've been a little bored of getting killed by hackers recently and have been playing just plain old Arma2 + expansions..

and as an ex service-man I'm really quite enjoying it, the campaign is quite enjoyable... not always realistic but still fun nonetheless

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Do I need those DLC to play Arma 2 CO Day Z too? The British Armed Forces and Private Military Company?

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Do I need those DLC to play Arma 2 CO Day Z too? The British Armed Forces and Private Military Company?

you just need combined ops. I'm just a texture snob and wanted the high rez ghillie and camo and civi clothing =D

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Ooo. Is that how some people in Day Z get the ghillie then?

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Ooo. Is that how some people in Day Z get the ghillie then?

no everyone can get a ghillie.. the expansions just make the textures on the ghillies and camo and civi clothing look alot sharper

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