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We need a purpose.

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I think that sort of system is quite nice. Perhaps the 'secret lab' idea is a bit much' date=' but a well-guarded (By zombies - a non-undead military presence would be a bit odd) military cache that lies underground with unique loot found nowhere else is a great idea.

That being said: It's an idea for much further down the track, and as well as that, it's an idea that would be better kept a secret when implemented. ;)


The fact that it is a LAB or anything is unimportant.

It might as well be a military cache.

Important things are:

- Randomly spawned

- Heavily guarded (making it mandatory to have several players)

- good loot

- destructs are raiding so it spawns anew at a certain point of time somwhere else to encourage scouting and travelling.

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DayZ is a sandbox game and as such it does and should continue to develop a tool set for the players to create the game-play structures for themselves. This is the cornerstone of sandbox design and it is one that I salute. I have nothing but praise for the direction the dev team have taken (even when i get sniped with lots of PHAT loot) and I hope they will continue to do so.

Keep letting me build sandcastles so that i can cry when the tide washes them away :)

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We do not need a guided " purpose " but more features to make OURSELVES a purpose.

But hey, it's an alpha, stability first, i guess rocket is mainly working on the technical side, not on other features at the moment.

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I agree with everyone who has some higher cognitive thought about making your own missions. This is survival... need water? Your mission is to find a coke or a lake to fill your canteen. Got everything you need? You mission is to find a car. Got a car? Find a chopper, Got a chopper? start grouping friends into a PMC group.

Come on people use your goddamn imaginations.

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I'd love to preserve the open ended sandbox nature of DayZ, instead of having AI given missions I'd be much more inclined to see the introduction of random events - they shouldn't be easy to find but more like easter eggs as the apocolyptic world unfolds. Every so often a downed helicopter may spawn, you may run into a destroyed military convoy that looks quite out of place from the rest of the surroundings offering exploration and supplies to the lucky survivor.

I would encourage these events to happen WAY OUTSIDE City parameters to encourage more exploring for hidden treasures. It's not just limited to guns and cans though; random spawning of herds of wild beasts roaming the plains or supply crates that were parachuted in but never found.


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This game is beutiful in its simplicity.

The purpose is to find that next well without zed or bandits wrecking you. Stay alive.

The unique and awesome thing is that its the wild west.

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Well, I think it get's a bit boring when there's nothing to do than just run away from zombies. I'd love to complete some missions and maybe get some rewards by completing them? Now it's always the same thing: survive, and if you die, survive again.

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I like the Sandbox and Mojo has it spot on, but providing content is always a good idea and keeps people occupied, so longs its not game breaking or gives huge rewards for minimal effort it should be fine.

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Let's look at this in terms of a 'real life apocalypse' (as impossible as that actually is... We're being hypothetical here people!)

You survive. Fantastic. You can live day to day. Is that enough? No! Once you have survival nailed, you want to thrive, you want to set yourself goals and rebuild what you can. There is a big sandbox full of tools for you to do that, with more being added regularly. They're not perfect, the mod is in alpha for god's sake, but you can use them and subsequently help test the mod. If all you can think of to do in game is to 'survive', 'loot' and 'kill' I have news for you: you're playing a sandbox game wrong.

You have been given the tools and the opportunity to go out and do a huge array of things. All you need is to put a little of your own creativity into working out what those things are that you wish to accomplish.

Would extra content be nice? Sure. But it shouldn't be something that spoon feeds you directions, or is the only driving purpose. I know I mention it a lot (and personally I think that's a good thing) but this mod is a lot like Minecraft. Relevant to that a all the ancillary 'things' you can do in Minecraft, like completing dungeons and strongholds, exploring abandoned mine shafts, developing your foothold in the environment and procuring resources to THRIVE. You see? Once you have the base need of survival down, you give yourself direction and goals to complete. There are other possibilities out there, things to discover and enjoy, but they don't drive you. Survival and.... Thrival are what drive you. Everything else is just gravy.

Tl;dr we don't need direction, we need to be able to create our own. Additional content should reflect this. But we should also be patient because alpha.

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Well' date=' I think it get's a bit boring when there's nothing to do than just run away from zombies. I'd love to complete some missions and maybe get some rewards by completing them? Now it's always the same thing: survive, and if you die, survive again.


search airfields, rescue friends... whats stopping you from creating missions for yourself? do you really need the game to tell you what to do?

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There are a Purpose! Survive alone, survive in team, make a rescue team, be a manhunter, or make a PK wolfpack :D Make a PK hunter group :D Sneak past a town with 15+ zombies ^^ etc... so many possibilities

Want a mission? 1st TASK: Go in city, get bloodpack, 2nd TASK: heal a player.

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Thesreyn you really need to relax.

I never said that this wasn't alpha, and I acknowledged that in my first post.

Then you rant about us "entitled little shits"

Like I said, I've played Arma and Arma 2 for years now, I know the score. Arma is the ultimate sandbox game.

I'm not one of these guys that just bought the game to play this mod.

All I was trying to do was put forth an idea and see if I could get some ideas flowing from the community, not get chastisement from some guy on the internet that thinks he can talk down to everyone else.

That being said, I like the ideas that are flowing from you other guys. Maybe missions are a bit too straightforward for some of you....but as one post said....I would like the option to be there to do them or not. That's all.

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There's no reason not to make challanges for yourself. Try to see how many zombies you can kill in cherno before you need to get out.

That'll keep you occupied for ages.

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That being said' date=' I like the ideas that are flowing from you other guys. Maybe missions are a bit too straightforward for some of you....but as one post said....I would like the option to be there to do them or not. That's all.


what would the difference be if the game said "go to all cities" and you decided to go to all the cities? if you need help coming up with things to do i saw a thread with a bunch of challenges

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I like the idea of smaller sidemissions where you get to investigate stuff etc, and i have no idea of wether it'd be hard to make or not but if they were to be implemented, it would be cool if you found them in form of notes and things like that. OP mentioned radiobeacons, maybe missions like that could only be obtained if you have a radio etc.

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Notes are a good idea - not missions, but small scraps of info about otherwise inaccessable loot.

An example of this system implemented well are the Stashes in the STALKER series.

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I have a mission. To survive as long as I can.

I dont care about fancy weapons and stuff, all I care about is survival :)

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Then plant your tent in a random forest in the wilderness and you will survive infinitely.

Go in a small village out in nowhere for coke and food time to time.

That's it you're surviving.

Enjoy be bored as fuck.

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That's a lot harder than it seems. I tried it once, in the middle of nowhere. I still had to deal with zombies on my run from the forest to the town, and there were a surprising amount of bandits passing by.

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I agree with the others here that aren't keen on adding missions. I think the implementation of additional mechanics like barricades and the like will promote more robust gameplay. I can envision entrenching an area with a group of friends and defending it as we continue to explore and gather materials for further expansion.

I like notes or clues but missions to me sounds like questing which is not why I love this game. My favorite aspect is that everyone can approach the apocalyptic scenario and survive it in their own way.

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Seriously, just write down a whole heap of challenges that you would find enjoyable, theres a thread somewhere with some examples. Once you have a decent amount, assign each a number. Then, whenever you get bored, randomly generate a number between 1 and however many challenges you got. Check the number against the list, and go do that.

You could then add more difficulty or challenge by doing multiple at once, timing yourself or imposing restrictions on yourself (eg: pistols only, no pack etc)

All you need is a little imagination :D

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I have only 1 thing to say. Dayz is like minecraft. There is no goal, be creative and make one!

Like I had the other day. My friend was on the way towards our setlement/camp, he got shot in the leg(but survived) and had a broken bone. I called in 2 more friends and we whent out to save him. Rescue operation, great fun.

Damn lazy heads, be creative!

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Missions are not the answer. We just need more stuff to do. I don't want to be told where to go or what to do as that is only going to encourage bandits to wait around these objectives.

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I'm against having full blown scripted missions, but more world events would be nice.

Something like a radio beacon going off in the woods that you might investigate that

might have something neat at it that you might have to battle another squad over or that could

be a trap set by another squad to lure you into an ambush would add some endgame content

without taking away from the open world "play how you want" spirit of the game.

Edited by eldritch
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