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Think you have to learn a thing or two about copyright.

If Hpnot1Q is the creator of the header. Then it is his property, and you can't use it without his permission . Even with you claiming that it is your property because you had an idea.

I am willing to handle the case for Hpnot1Q in the court.

Go ahead and take it to court. You won't win.

Hpnot1Q originally gave the banner for use by the clan with no other strings attached. In no part of the agreement was it stated that Hpnot1Q would be given the rights to tell the clan they cannot use his banner in cases of being kicked or leaving the clan. Since he did not present any of these scenarios at the time of the verbal agreement, he will not be given these privileges now. The banner is being used for its intended purpose, and in no way contradicts the agreement presented at the time of the original arrangement. Verbal agreements have no standing in any legal sense in any case, therefore; he would continue to have no ground for prosecution for the use of his work, as he willingly offered the work for the Clan's use.

Presented in a court of law the knowledge that the creator was not responsible enough to create a law-binding written agreement would cause the prosecutions claims to the work to be nullified.

Edited by (AoW) Ghostrec35
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*sighs* Did he pay for the copyright?

If not... Well, there isn't a case... And besides, he isn't making profit to begin with, unless there shows evidence that someone is PROFITING from this with the same name (doubtful to begin with)... Is he going to sue for, members? You guys are amateurs

Guys, seriously. Don't be such weirdos. Claiming a name simply to attempt to get back to a person is not only impulsive, it's stupid.

I've been in this clan for about 35 minutes (unofficially) but I've been hearing both ends of the conversation. HpNot1Q is simply upset because he

was eliminated from the server/clan.

.. Please, consistently flaming a post isn't going to help your reputation either. Rather, people will think you're childish and not want to play this wonderful game with you.

Edited by SoulVirtue
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Can I apply for both Day Z and TF2 at the same time?

Edited by Edwin IV

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Sigh...trolling is weak with this one.

Clan still laughing at you.

I believe this is the best time for this as any...

You mad?

HAHA YES! Hes mad.

Btw you were given an option to leave.

No one raged quit the clan.

Good false information.

Keep bumping us up thanx man :thumbsup:

tldr; you're(see what i did there?) an idiot

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Can I apply for both Day Z and TF2 at the same time?

It's not a game-by-game based application. If you join the clan, you can play any game you like with the other clan members.

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Application sent...

The application will be reviewed by the website admin within 24 hours. Unfortunately, he currently has some business to attend to so he will not be available at the current moment. Please return later for a response and possible interview by the Clan Leader

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The application will be reviewed by the website admin within 24 hours. Unfortunately, he currently has some business to attend to so he will not be available at the current moment. Please return later for a response and possible interview by the Clan Leader

No problem :)

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Update:So many great applications.Update our site and forum page.

We are also accepting applications for CS:Go and Guild Wars 2.

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Applied. Please check my application and get back to me. My name on steam is KFieLd, and you also have my email. Interested in the DayZ portion of the team. I play CS:GO/BF3 as well, but not with the same commitment that I play DayZ. DayZ takes up all of my time basically, since I'm streaming daily now.

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Applied. Please check my application and get back to me. My name on steam is KFieLd, and you also have my email. Interested in the DayZ portion of the team. I play CS:GO/BF3 as well, but not with the same commitment that I play DayZ. DayZ takes up all of my time basically, since I'm streaming daily now.

I read your application.Please follow up on our website,we don't communicate on here.Thank you.

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Only bumping due to that we don't ask for applications on here and we don't hold conversations here either.Strictly promotional usage.

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