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The T34 Monument

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So yeah, I guess some of you had noticed a certain city in Chernarus has a monument to T34. My idea is like this. Why not make it repairable, but in an extremely hard and complicated way?

For example.

First step is get to the city, use satchel charge (already ultra rare) to destroy its pedestal.

Then, we'd need for the stuff to be repairable. A lot of T34 monuments are in good condition. Heck, one was used against the police in Budapest riots. T34s were used in Bosnian war.

We'd probably need 2 fueltanks, 4 engine parts, about 16 track links (obtainable at T72 wrecks at Balota...), and a whooooleeee lot of scrap metal pieces and fuel cans. Also, 2 machine guns should be mounted into the tank (coaxial and hull). Some extra parts could be made to spice up the "egg hunt", like the gearbox, lubricant, motor oil, headlights...

About the usability of the said vehicle. It would be unreal to be able to find any ammo for it (nobody uses 85 mm rnds these days). But I believe, this could be one badass moving pillbox.


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100% agree with you. Though it would not work exactly like you stated, I still agree that the T34 should be usable. It would be even more a goal then most think of. It would turn the city into even more of a warzone. I wouldn't usually think about trying to use it, but I know I would use it if I found it.

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There is a very good reason why there aren't any armed (except Huey, of course) or even armored vehicles - zombies don't stand a chance against any of them (even with civilian vehicles you can just roadkill dozens of them easily).

Players with better equipment can succesfully fight against armed vehicles, sure, but for armored vehicles you have only satchel charges (try to destroy moving tank with it) or M136, both very rare.

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There is a very good reason why there aren't any armed (except Huey, of course) or even armored vehicles - zombies don't stand a chance against any of them (even with civilian vehicles you can just roadkill dozens of them easily).

Players with better equipment can succesfully fight against armed vehicles, sure, but for armored vehicles you have only satchel charges (try to destroy moving tank with it) or M136, both very rare.

While i think this suggestion should not be added the M107 is a Anti Materiel rifle, so is the AS50, and Anti Materiel rifles are used to pierce tank armor with out the use of explosives so those snipers could pierce its armor and destroy the engine but those are also rare as hell. Just wanted to point that out.

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I like the idea of requiring a satchel charge to free it. Would work better than just driving it right off the pedestal.

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Nice idea :) +1. Addition to all stuff you need to find I think a nice challenge would be to have huge zombie hordes spawn ones you blow that satchel charge, so you basically need a team defending you while you are repairing it!

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While i think this suggestion should not be added the M107 is a Anti Materiel rifle, so is the AS50, and Anti Materiel rifles are used to pierce tank armor with out the use of explosives so those snipers could pierce its armor and destroy the engine but those are also rare as hell. Just wanted to point that out.

Please, please, no...not this again.

A .50 caliber rifle bullet can pierce through one inch of RHA steel. A T-34 has TWO INCHES of armor plating. The only way you're getting through that tank is if you lay it on its side and shoot it in the belly.

Anti-materiel rifles are not magical superguns that rip apart tanks and blow things up from miles away. They poke clean holes half an inch across into engine blocks. How is this getting confused with the nonsense I keep hearing? The mythmaking behind these weapons has already ruined them in DayZ to the point that they don't even VAGUELY resemble anything like reality. They're a long-running joke right now and letting them kill tanks would be the most obnoxious punch-line ever.

Edited by BazBake

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