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Introducing the [ASS] Clan

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Once the issue with spawning at the coast after login is sorted out I'm considering starting up the [ASS] clan, or Anti-sniper Sniping Squad.

The clan will be primarily charged with defending the larger towns/cities from snipers/bandits. I just wanted to see if there is much interest out there in an Anti-sniper Sniping Squad, as the more people assisting, the more effective the clan will be.

In order to help you can either join up, or post here as to what you believe are hot spots for snipers (as in exact locations, 'North of Electro' is too vague!). You can also state where you believe would be a good place for [ASS] clan members to setup.

I currently have an M107 sniper rifle with plenty of ammo, plus all the usual gear + gillie suit.

Players with L85s would be quite handy for spotting and players able to cover the rearguard and zeds would be useful also.

I should re-iterate that I'm just looking feedback at the moment, as the current patch has me spawning at the coast every log in so not great for meeting up with other players.

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K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S.

Killing Is Super Sweet, Minding You're an Anti-Sniper Sniper

I like the idea, I do not like the name. And since I'm a fully geared sniper (as50, ghillie, rangefinder, nvg) who hates bandits and was searching the forum for some more ppl with whom to chase bandits, I really hope someone comes up with a better tag :)

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Asses... Asses everywhere I where.... All though cherno... asses everywhere.

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K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S.

Killing Is Super Sweet, Minding You're an Anti-Sniper Sniper

I like the idea, I do not like the name. And since I'm a fully geared sniper (as50, ghillie, rangefinder, nvg) who hates bandits and was searching the forum for some more ppl with whom to chase bandits, I really hope someone comes up with a better tag :)

Tis a shame you are an ASS hater for I too like QOTSA and I too share yer hatred of banditry. We could have had something beautiful.....

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Don´t get me wrong, I do like ASS :) But there must be a better name, don´t you think?

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Did you know that if you search the letter 'g' in google images, you'll see a glock?

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