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My kingdom for some help. (PC set up)

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Firstly I want to say sorry, I know how many threads there are like this (although this one may not be in the right place) and I can imagine yet another "Will this run with my PC spec?" could be quite tiresome at best, but i've been up untill gone 5AM every day for the last week researching and trying to get DayZ to work and i'm simply out of options, i'm just not computer savy enough to understand, if anyone could help I would put aside one of my kidneys for them in case they ever needed it.

Long story short, this is the set up I intend to get for my PC, will it run Dayz with an acceptable frame rate? And will any of the hardware conflict with one another? (I will only be upgradeing my graphics card and am wondering if I will need to upgrade my CPU / RAM / anything else alongside it.)

Spec is:

MB of RAM: 3GB.

Graphics Card: Intel® G41 Exspress Chipset. (Replacing with AMD Radeon HD 6670 2GB)

Motherboard: Packard Bell imedia S1850

CPU: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E6700 @ 3.20GHz 3.20Ghz

Windows Edition / System type: Windows 7 Home Premeium 64-bit Operating system.

I will be replacing my graphics card with a AMD Radeon HD 6670 2GB graphics card, will my CPU / motherboard be able to handle it or would I need to upgrade one or more of them too? And would DayZ be able to run on a acceptable level with the above set up?

Again i'm sorry I really didn't want to have to bother anyone with this, but I just can't understand hardware.

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My uncharacteristically short response: You should be fine.

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My uncharacteristically short response: You should be fine.

Thanks, I don't mean to be rude / sound ungratefull, but are you sure? I asked a mate who has the same card and he said he runs the game on very low and "It sucks", I don't think he realises quite how bad the game runs for me, I get a MAX of 5 FPS out in the wilderness and a delay of 2-4 sec's with mouse and keyboard input with all settings on very low, i'm sure it's not all my PCs fault, the servers might add a little too it, but not THAT much.

And on another note, what is the delay all about? I hold down move forward for 3 sec's then let go and he doesn't move for about 3-4 sec's, same with any mouse movement, would that be fixed just by upgradeing my graphics card too?

EDIT: Any estimation on what FPS I would be getting with the new graphics card?

Edited by Axz

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I run the game on very low with an E4400, a XFX GeForce 8600GT and 3GB RAM. it's playable, but it doesn't look great and I get 20fps if im lucky. I am not sure how many fps you will get, arma engine doesn't seems to be well optimized for some systems, but you will probably be able to play.

Edited by sebastian.w
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I run the game on very low with an E4400, a XFX GeForce 8600GT and 3GB RAM. it's playable, but it doesn't look great and I get 20fps if im lucky. I am not sure how many fps you will get, arma engine doesn't seems to be well optimized for some systems, but you will probably be able to play.

Unfortunatly I have no idea what a GeForce or a E4400 is haha, and I have no real sence of FPS, but I would like to be able to run the game as smoothly as this guy does in video

I wouldn't mind having all settings on low or very low although i'd rather not if possible, how many FPS do you think the guy in the video has? And would I be able to come close to it with the new Graphics Card? (Radeon 6670 HD 2GB)

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Don't like sound of that CPU, go to CRYI and see if the CPU passes.


OS, RAM and soundcard all pass minimum and recomended, CPU passes minmum, but not recomended settings, graphics card failes both (Intel G41 Express Chipset, but am replacing that with Radeon 6670 HD 2GB anyway) but CPU speed does not pass or fail, it just have a blue exclamation mark that says "info" and nothing happens when you click on it.

That should be ok right? (Once Radeon is in that is.)

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Unfortunatly I have no idea what a GeForce or a E4400 is haha, and I have no real sence of FPS, but I would like to be able to run the game as smoothly as this guy does in video I wouldn't mind having all settings on low or very low although i'd rather not if possible, how many FPS do you think the guy in the video has? And would I be able to come close to it with the new Graphics Card? (Radeon 6670 HD 2GB)

You have an E6700, so the E4400 is a little older and less powerfull, and the 8600GT is the graphic card, MUCH older than the Radeon 6670 HD 2GB and has only 512MB. That's why I am pretty sure you will be able to play, at least on low settings.

Sorry, no idea how many fps the guy on the video could have.

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OS, RAM and soundcard all pass minimum and recomended, CPU passes minmum, but not recomended settings, graphics card failes both (Intel G41 Express Chipset, but am replacing that with Radeon 6670 HD 2GB anyway) but CPU speed does not pass or fail, it just have a blue exclamation mark that says "info" and nothing happens when you click on it.

That should be ok right? (Once Radeon is in that is.)

It will play, whether or notit plays good nobody knows ;)

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Thanks for all the help guys (and possibly girls), I have given you all my beans!

(Although that ment something VERY different when I was young.....)

Me: Chris here's your beans, Dave here's yours. now let's go to the club and f**k the uglyiest women we can find, what comes before part-b?


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Sgt.Asshat is pretty much spot on.

That graphics card is a cheap card (doesnt' mean bad necessarily), and that processor has seen better dayz (sry!)

Have you already bought this PC? because I would recommend not buying it and saving up some more money.

Here's a cheap example of what I would say is minimum spec nowadays for gaming - http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-179-OE

Plus, sites like this allow you to add/remove componants to your liking.

I think it's time you upgraded.

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Sgt.Asshat is pretty much spot on.

That graphics card is a cheap card (doesnt' mean bad necessarily), and that processor has seen better dayz (sry!)

Have you already bought this PC? because I would recommend not buying it and saving up some more money.

Here's a cheap example of what I would say is minimum spec nowadays for gaming - http://www.overclock...rodid=FS-179-OE

Plus, sites like this allow you to add/remove componants to your liking.

I think it's time you upgraded.

The PC was bought about a year ago (haven't bought the Radeon 6670 HD 2GB yet) but it was bought to play mostly older games so these things where never an issue. However you can only play SILVER, Battle Isle Duke Nukem:AE, DOOM, etc, etc for so long, so I started looking for newer games knowing odds are I would have to upgrade, I found DayZ and fell in love, but i'm not one of those people who can just hand over the best part of a grand for a new PC, i'm pretty limited, I was looking to spend an absolute maximum of £100 on upgrades to get my PC to the level where it can run DayZ as smoothly as the video in the other post.

I choose that card as it's cheap(ish), would work and would leave me with a little money to put towards any other upgrade I might need.

What would you upgrade from my PC if it where yours? (preferred max' being £100, but no more than £130 for the whole lot.)

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I found the "ASUS AMD Radeon HD6770 PCI-E Graphics Card - 1GB" (<--- Copied and pasted from PC world website)

It costs £99 so that would be pretty much my whole budget, but would it be worth it considering the CPU is not that great?

Would it be a better idea to just stick with the AMD Radeon 6670 leaving me with £50 - £70 to upgrade the CPU?

Would that even be enough?

Sorry for the constant barrage of questions, but I don't want to get this wrong and i'm quite frugal and OCD so I obsess about it slightly.

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Oops sorry dude. When I said "you should be fine" I meant after you get that new graphics card.

It's not a great card by today's standards but it should be decent.

Now, I re-read your CPU. I was too quick earlier, and thought it was a newer gen. processor.

You might be in the same boat as me.

Sometimes the framerate is very choppy. I run great now in windowed mode until I can upgrade my CPU.

So much for my attempt at a short response.

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Oops sorry dude. When I said "you should be fine" I meant after you get that new graphics card.

It's not a great card by today's standards but it should be decent.

Now, I re-read your CPU. I was too quick earlier, and thought it was a newer gen. processor.

You might be in the same boat as me.

Sometimes the framerate is very choppy. I run great now in windowed mode until I can upgrade my CPU.

So much for my attempt at a short response.

So the only thing that might be an issue is my CPU? Would my FPS be ok if I ran all settings on very low? I'm not really bothered about graphics, FPS takes priority.

And if I was in a major city with all settings on very low, would it still be playable? No biggie if so I plan to survive in the wild looting small towns and outposts (so to speak).

EDIT: The above questions would be while playing in the best resolution, if you say that would be windowed mode then i'd run that.

Edited by Axz

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