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Everybody is a enemy

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I usually give them a chance to show what they are up to.I do not shoot without reason. In three weeks, I have accumulated three murders total, two in self-defense during an intense firefight near Stary/in Cherno and one in a damn wood near a barn, where the guy randomly opened fire at me with his double-barreled. The last one I regret, after firing my M14 he ran away, I shot him anyways...the only real murder in dayZ for me. I had dozens of encounters. Some people I teamed up with I play with every now and again up until now! Fellow survivors who will not shoot a noob with a winchester in Cherno, but keep a vigilant eye on rooftops for snipers...these we seek and kill...policing Cherno ;-) . Of course we too, die a lot. But who cares? I like the teamplay aspect, I like the tension that arises from the question "Can I trust this guy?" . Whenever I get called in to help, I am there. It is much more rewarding I guess for me, even if your 5th patient is a bandit and kills you after being transfused... ^^

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There's no point in shooting at everyone. At least look first if they have a Hero skin or not. If they have hero skin, they are very unlikely to be a threat and you just lose a lot of humanity for killing them.

This is not true at all. When i got the new update I spawned in with the hero skin. If you see me and you are armed, or I see you first. You will die. I didnt trust people before and do not trust them now. Been shot in the back many times after trying to help someone who was in trouble by their friend in the woods with a sniper rifle.

I keep spawning with the hero skin when I die even though it says 0 humanity. I would say observe first for a little bit and see how the person is. If you dont see each other, let them go. But how you handle if you two see each other is up to you.


The comment above me...just because its a new player with a basic rifle does not make them a noob and still should be cautious.

Edited by MDRN Buddha

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You can't beat em join. Open fire on everyone you meet. There are movements out there to change that but with dozens of new players coming in every day adopting the SoS based on their first experience with another player (which is them being shot at) it's unlikely to change. You want friends, you join a gang. Otherwise, you KILL everyone you come across.

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I've only been playing for a week...and I have to say that for the first 3-4 days I agreed. Every single person I interacted with shot me.

My first time ever running into someone in the game I was running through a forest sneakily (read the guides). I kept scanning everywhere when suddenly I see a player, I turn around in shock, about to hit caps lock to speak, he says, "Hey there" and next thing I knew, I was dead.

Second time, was sneaking about at night and shot at, drop, turn around, see him firing. Attempt to return fire with my revolver, dead.

Third time, sneaking into a church during daytime hoping to find some loot, hear gunfire, sneak around, peer around the corner, see 3 bandits in a car!. Run away, they try to run me over, I cut the corner of the church, they stop in front, I run back around and (stupidly) go into the church hoping to find something to defend myself with. Killed by automatic fire at the front of the church....

Every one of those deaths was incredible, and the main reason I love this game (I am hooked beyond belief). Was I murdered, yes, but where else could I ever get close to that experience (sorry, I'll pass on that option in real life).

After that I started running into other players and saw that some where friendly, in one instance I was sneaking up on a zombie when out of nowhere another survivor gets up around a corner (zombie was heading that way). I get spooked, he doesn't fire, I kill the zombie with my axe and the survivor went on his merry way.

My favorite so far, is one where I saw someone turn bandit. I was in an industrial area and was running about, ran into one guy who told me to keep running (I was being chased by like five zombies) ran into a building where another guy came in the other side (the zombies were now chasing him) he told me to pick up the axe on the floor (looked like he had an M1911), got it, took out all of the zombies. He ran up the stairs and ran into the other guy that saved me...they had a firefight and the guy that saved me originally survived....I was shocked because all of the blood was going through the floor. The guy that survived sounded conflicted "Guess I'm a bandit now" told me to take the guys gun....told him I couldn't, was against my morals. From that moment on, decided I would never profit from the death of another player (haven't yet, was thinking of going bandit for a while).

Yeah, some people are dicks, but there's also good people. You don't play the game for the gear, you play it for the experience, and the smart enemies make it so worthwhile.

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Yeah, some people are dicks, but there's also good people.

I think most people will agree. Earlier today, I was killed, and respawned near Kamenka. I started for Cherno. As I ran past Kamenka I aggro'd about 6 zombies, I wasn't being careful at all. Then about 300 meters down the shore, I see a guy in a bandit outfit. When he got close he spoke. I couldn't quite make out what he said but I think it was, "Hey man, your being chased by zombies. I don't want you to die." And then he ran into the zombies and aggro'd them for himself. Saved my life. I almost shed a tear for his bravery. As I continued down the coast, I was nearing a factory. Just as I got to the fence, I was killed by a sniper. I'm almost certain it was the same guy that killed me just 20 minutes earlier while I was cooking some meat because it was very close to where I set up my campfire.

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