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JamesGTAIV (DayZ)

Carebear Brainstorming Thread

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I find the discrepancy rather glaring in separating the terms 'bandit' and 'survivor'. I personally feel that 'bandits' are simply more hostile survivors, as they are using highwayman tactics as a key tool for their survival. The term 'survivor' is interchangeable.

As for rewards for team players? Surviving longer. That in itself is a pretty frikkin' good reward, in my eyes.

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I wonder if Rocket is against players pooling a bandit list?

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Killing exacts an enormous emotional toll on most sane human being. You simply can't simulate that in a game.

Anyway, for a fair and balanced approached, why can't the game just start everyone out with no guns and no ammo? You can't bandit if you don't got a gun.

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It'd definitely be interesting if rocket could implement features that let players create the safety they want. If you could holster weapons (ie. not have anything in your hands), secure your pack (maybe if you have no weapon in hand your pack IS secure, ie. you can hold it shut yourself), and there were villages WITHOUT zombies, I would think players might actually BE ABLE to create a safe city for trade. Just a thought.

As it stands now, there is no fucking way I would feel safe in a "safe city" with guns pointed every which way. I don't give a shit if you can aim your gun 20 degrees lower, there is no way guards would be able to track that shit. I let off a shot and then tap ctrl again, what happens? BLOODBATH. It would be a much simpler task to just make sure everyone's hands are empty.

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