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Skint (DayZ)

How To Delete My DayZ Game/User Account?

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I'm quitting DayZ (and Arma) and want to delete my DayZ character account from the face of the virtual world (nothing serious, just not interested in playing anymore).

How do I do it?

Also, if I sell my retail versions of Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA, will the new buyer be able to play DayZ or will the CD key be unusable again by anybody else?

Thanks for any help.

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1. delete is not possible. get to NWAF or elektro/cherno and die. after that ur account is "deleted" ;)

2. yes, you can sell the retail and the buyer is able to play dayz/arma2/arma2oa. if you dont do #1 then the buyer will get ur dayz loadout if he is playing dayz, so please get killed or a new player will be scared after he die the first time and dont got a as50 anymore on "spawn" ;)

-> CDkey isnt bound to your Computer or anything

Edited by KamikazeReh
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Your DayZ "account" or rather the data about your character in the hive is bound to your ArmaII CD key. Therefore if you sell your game the person buying it will inherit your character and anything he had the last time you played.

Edited by EchoZeero
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Who the hell cares? You can change your name anytime your ID is bound to the CD KEY and apart from that even if they did play this game and did load your character would it be a big deal if they had some free beans and a few more cans of coke haha

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Great, thanks for the info.

I am planning to kill my character, so that's not an issue.

At least I know what to say when asked now.

Edited by Skint

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Oh please don't do it. We need more skilled players like you. Please consider yourself rethinking this decision and maybe staying in the game? Don't quit just now, give a game another chance. Everybody in the world makes mistakes and everybody deserves another chance. Give it a go.

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Oh please don't do it. We need more skilled players like you. Please consider yourself rethinking this decision and maybe staying in the game? Don't quit just now, give a game another chance. Everybody in the world makes mistakes and everybody deserves another chance. Give it a go.

I've been playing over 3 months and I feel I have given it every chance, and whilst there have been many great times, the problems just start to drag it down to the point where I don't want to play anymore. Time to move on.

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