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Get down to 20 frames in cherno, I think my PC should be able to handle it, plus have to play on decently low settings.

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So basicly I get major frame drops, I have searched around the forums but noting really helps...


AMD P X4 2.6 ghz

Ati Raedon HD 4870

4Gs of DDR2 Ram.

Thanks in advance.

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Some people with i7's and 670's experience FPS Drops so you shouldnt expect a lot from your PC

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Your processor is the bottleneck. I got the same graphic card and i7 2600K and I'm not getting under 20 fps in Cherno,

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Ah, I'm building a new pc, 16 GBs of RAM, AMD FX 8-CORE 3.6 GHZ oc'd to 4.00GHZ and a 6770.

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This is surprising, what Phenom are you using?

This one?

Phenom 9950 X4 Black Edition Agena 2.6GHz ?

St.Jimmy that not not entirely true. I am using a AMD Phenom X4 9750 2.4GHZ paired with a Gigabyte 460GTX (1028MB, SE)

whilst this is a bottleneck I rarely experience lag in-game with medium to high settings even on the Lingor island map, normally it is the server lag that affects me

as I play in american servers (120 and above ping) with using the same amount of ram (4GB DDR2 800Mhz).

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Yea, man this is wierd, if that's so I should be running it fine... Kinda makes me sad, any tips? Because it's really hard to fight a bandit when I have such bad lag.

Edited by nickzerz

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Turn ur Textures lower and make arma trees instead of arma oa trees. And FYI, a 6770 is crap, ur 4870 is almost as good as that one. If you wanna better fps buy a really fast single core gpu like 7970.

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  On 8/17/2012 at 10:45 AM, onimoschta said:

Turn ur Textures lower and make arma trees instead of arma oa trees. And FYI, a 6770 is crap, ur 4870 is almost as good as that one. If you wanna better fps buy a really fast single core gpu like 7970.

Im crossfiring them so, I think it would be just as good.

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