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AAA (DayZ)

Remove Snipers / Military weapons

Remove weapons and Military stuff  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about it ?

    • Yes, remove snipers and over cheated military weapons that aren't even realistic ! I want more real gunfight than just a headshot in middle of nowhere...
    • No, i prefer to be able to shoot people in Elektro from my hill 800 metters away, for lulz !

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I would love to see a brutal game poping here, where gunfights are spectacular, immersive but though realistics.

But no, everybody wear a sniper that can shoot flies from 800 metters. Everybody is camping hills and so military stuff is ruining some experience.

You know that there is alway a sniper scouting Cherno / Elektro / nwairfields, on any servers.

So basically i prefer dirty and crapy weapons, like lee enfield and ak74. Weapons that are not 100% safe.

Weapons that make great gunfight in cities. Some of my best moments remain when i was shooting at people with a winchester or with a m1911 ! Even with an axe.

I found snipers boring, just waiting for people to kill. Not interessting. Snipers ruin the game, it freeze movements in some ways.

PS : sorry for my bad english, hope you manage to understand the main idea : remove some weapons that do work well with this gameplay.

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Remove completely No...

Cut down spawn rate yes....

But until duping and hackerz (stand-a-lone) is released just deal with it :)


P.S. Couldn't vote cause no midway vote :)

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To be fair, if they removed every military weapon you would end up with makarov and maybe small shotgun.

That's why snipers like DMR and M107 are spawned only in military loots/helicrashes/NWAirfield.

It's a part of game. Even in real life you would stumble across some kind of soldier that would have those kinds of weapons...

It gives a good spin for a game, you always have to be on your toes, high reward vs. high risk...

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Yet another bug into the bugzapper. You are not entitled to anything in Electra. If you are not QQing over snipers you will be QQing over the competition draining "your" resources,beating you to the loot or just killing you with Winchesters and Maks and taking the things you just picked up.

Snipers are by far the easiest to avoid. I've been killed once by a sniper in Electra with an AS50 and that sniper was a hacker I had killed 5 minutes before. All the rest of my deaths have been close range all of a sudden popup guys with Maks,Winchesters,AK's and Enfields and one with an M203. Seriously if you are getting killed by snipers in a city with more places to hide than the rest of the map combined you stand no chance at all elsewhere no matter what gear you find or are given.

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That's the closest thing I've seen to an argument for sniper rifles being in the game and you pretty much just changed the subject.

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i understand your problem with snipers but removing is probably not the best solution i think they can be a huge help for example when you cover some buddys who are looting a nearby citybut yeah sure the camping is sometimes really annoying but there is always the chance that that person really can't shoot jackshit with it especially with the bolt action snipers.i mean you got one chance and if you don't hit him he is gone.

instead of removing them i would suggest to just lower the chance of spawning.

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Also remember, this is not CoD MW, or Battlefield, you cannot rush in like an idiot and go rambo mode and kill everyone. Patience is your friend... (i hate cod kids who just want to go solo everyone)

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No, don't remove any weapons, just change them.

Instead of the high grade military weapons I would like to see more "simple" weapons like hunting rifles.

Weapons like the Winchester and Lee Enfield are perfect for the setting in DayZ, so I suggest to add more like these. Also adding simple scopes (max 8x) without additional zeroing will increase the "horror" and survival aspects of DayZ.

Stuff like the M4A1 SD, M9 SD and AS50 should be removed, but other (and more) weapons should be added.

And to be honest, I like being the sniper to cover my friends entering a high density area, but with an AS50 and L86 TWS it's no fun anymore.

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I would love to see a brutal game poping here, where gunfights are spectacular, immersive but though realistics.

But no, everybody wear a sniper that can shoot flies from 800 metters. Everybody is camping hills and so military stuff is ruining some experience.

You know that there is alway a sniper scouting Cherno / Elektro / nwairfields, on any servers.

So basically i prefer dirty and crapy weapons, like lee enfield and ak74. Weapons that are not 100% safe.

Weapons that make great gunfight in cities. Some of my best moments remain when i was shooting at people with a winchester or with a m1911 ! Even with an axe.

I found snipers boring, just waiting for people to kill. Not interessting. Snipers ruin the game, it freeze movements in some ways.

PS : sorry for my bad english, hope you manage to understand the main idea : remove some weapons that do work well with this gameplay.


Cry more.

I Have an SVD camo, im not dropping that shit. And guess what, i have to use it in close quarters sometimes. Yesterday, i was with my friend and a guy tried running him over, and guess what saved our lives? Military snipers. I get it, you like crying, and you like running around in open fields like a jackass. But you have to remember DayZ isnt based off you runnign through open fields. You are supposed to keep and eye out for snipers, you are supposed to avoid high traffic areas, ur supposed to use the snipers in a way that noone sees you.

Im tired of people like you always posting, STOP CRYING ABOUT THE GAME. Holy fuck, just because you cant adapt to it, doesnt mean i have to conform to a new game. I adapted, ive found 14 crash sites, i have the best gear in the game and i died 2 days ago. Just have to know what to do.

So, instead of complaining how HARD this game is, how about you accept a challenge once in your life.

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Round and round the mulberry bush, the monkey chased this thread again...

If you want fast paced spectacular gunfights, you have Battlefield over there, and Call of Duty is over that way. DayZ is about survival of the fittest, and the different methods to approach that singular order. Some of us take quick firing, light weapons that make CQC and MOUT engagements a breeze, others prefer to sit back, relying on their skills they've practised using particular weapons to rain death from a distance. And then there are those like me, who find a weapon that strikes a lovely balance, and we name her Jesse.

The fact of the matter is that you are essentially complaining about a playstyle for the simple reason that it is different than yours. Adapt or die, that is Darwin's law, complaining simply because someone is better at shooting than you are at evasive maneuvers is like complaining that someone shouldn't be allowed to use a bank shot in basketball simply because you can't do it. If you keep dying to snipers, I can very gladly give you some pointers on how to survive them, to date only two people have killed me with a sniper rifle. One was entirely my own fault, crawling through an open field outside of Elektro, and the other was because I was stupid enough to trust another person. Though to be fair, there was a third who came very close, but was robbed of his chance to see if he could finish the deal by the Thunderdome hack.

And on that note, you say, "You know that there is alway a sniper scouting Cherno / Elektro / nwairfields, on any servers." So why do you keep going there? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. As I was saying, either learn to avoid them, or learn to fight them, adapt or die. It's not ruining anyone's experience, it's teaching Darwin's Laws the hard way. And on that note, what about those of us who've survived long enough for zombies to be a nill threat to us, without military grade weapons to throw in a challenge to our survival, what are we supposed to do, sit around a campfire and sing Kum-Bay-Ah to our makarovs?

No thanks, I prefer the proper risk of knowing that if I stop paying attention to that treeline, I could be signing my death warrant, I love the thrill and adrenaline rush when you spot that sniper, and successfully execute a perfect flanking maneuver to come up behind him, taking the time to switch to a hatchet just to add insult to injury. And on the flip side, knowing that you've got a buddy armed with something closer to artillery than a rifle watching your back, is like having your own personal guardian angel, removing threats from your path you weren't even aware of yet.

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How about a suggestion forum ?

Seem like you think it's your fucking territory forum ? Where you can bash people who don't share your vision of sniping noobs on coast ?

Yeah, you're pretty badass and have a great and long dick. Can we jump over it and talk about suggestion ?

I don't play cod. I'm not a kid.

So, basically, you think that the game should be what it is right now, that the experience is perfect ? That an alpha should remain an alpha ?

Good boy. "Don't touch to my snippa !" :)

So i'm tired of bastard who can't try to think about suggestions, about problems and solutions.

Right now, i said, the game is more like a race to loot the best gear + snipers + m4A1 SD and kill people.

I's not about survival. Survival mean you don't have full tools to live, but just few to survive. Thx Cpt Obvs.

But when you have 40/60 players having snipers, camo and all this stuff, what the game is about ? Shooting.

Or simulation shooting. Or tactical simulation shooting. Yeah, not pretty far from survival simulation...

Maybe it's not about remove all snipers, but why there is some overpowered snipers ? CZ550 should be fine. Something between hunting riffle on sniper, something balanced.

But the question have to exist : do we need those weapons ? Does the game and experience need those weapons ?

Or could it be different ? And that question request you (people posting here) sufficient maturity to think and consider what is the best for the game.

So please, try to use your brain before posting.

Btw you can let your narrow-mindedness at the entrance. thx

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It makes me laugh so much the the AS50 deathmatch kids say 'go play CoD', most of them are too young to understand irony though. :(

So to sum up...

The reasons FOR the removal of sniper rifles...

They're overpowered

Breaks the flow of the game

Sniping mechanic isn't very realistic

Murder farming on the coast

Reasons AGAINST the removal of sniper rifles...

QQ kid, go play CoD!

Both sound arguments but I think I know which side I'm leaning towards...

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AAA, I won't even bother to sum up the multiple reasons why there are military weapons all over the map. You just look so butthurt it is funny. And I'd love to one-shot you 1200m away with my as-50 and bury your corpse without even taking a look at your loot.

Just for the lulz, and for your sweet tears.

Now, I believe you next move will be to download a cheat of some kind so you can feel powerfull & all that crap, since you can't handle dayZ normally

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AAA, I won't even bother to sum up the multiple reasons why there are military weapons all over the map. You just look so butthurt it is funny. And I'd love to one-shot you 1200m away with my as-50 and bury your corpse without even taking a look at your loot.

Just for the lulz, and for your sweet tears.

Now, I believe you next move will be to download a cheat of some kind so you can feel powerfull & all that crap, since you can't handle dayZ normally

Thanks you for your kindness.

it is a pleasure to make you laugh, but unless your speech is any use, I suggest you shut up and go play somewhere else with your AS50.

I guess you're a kind of Horatio Caine or a Carl Lightman, so humain being have no secret to you. Or something like a medium and you can see throught time ? Are you Alisoon Gordon ?

Because yes, I am so upset i will download some hack and win the game.


So unless you have some argument about this suggestion, I suggest you with all my sincere greeting to shut your mouth. :)

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It's a realistic zombie survival game. In real life there are going to be all sorts of guns. The only thing that needs to be changed is a bigger map and more zombies. In real life most people would be in danger of zombies. Now that's not the case if you have sufficient ammo and definitely not snipers. If the focus will be killing zombies and surviving there will be less pvp snipers. And I'm not saying there shouldn't be. I would not want that because it keeps people watching their every step.

Anyways it's still alpha.

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dude, cant you see, one million players, do you think they are arma 2 players? Maybe the first 10 k, but the rest are the people who bought this gmae thinking it would be a zombie zurvival game, sandbox and filled with nice stuff, now we can see it has become a new cod, with more weapos per map than the chernaurs army even had, now we have a very weird world full of ghillied snipers everywhere, and full of military grade weapons, this has become a warzone. WE WERENT PROMISED THAT, nor did we even want it in the beggining, we came here for survival, but theres no desperate need for survival. let me tell you what really dayz is about;

1st, you enter here like a noob, roaming like a idiot, and not knowing what to do. So you watch a tutorial, doing that you start knowing more what to do.

2nd, experience, you slowly learn what to do and how to survive. And maybe you find a player, then you try talking to him, either you get killed kill him , he goes away or maybe you 2 join together.

Now the possibilities are endless, join a group in the forum, join a clan, whatever, you just get on with or idea of zombie survival game, no one came here to hunt people down.

But then either your first kill or death comes, the emotion is very intense this game makes you realize that life in here matters a lot, you care, not only is any encounter almost unique, but so rare that you dont see everyone.

And finally, you learn how to play expertly this game, all ways, with a group or not, everything. And the game stops being challenging, and after this it becomes easy, after mastering this game, surviving becomes boring, theres no fun or surprise anymore in just surviving. Your character is so well equipped that you dont know anything anymore to do, and then you go hunting cars. They are ok, you drive happily throgh chernarus, looting and finding more stuff. But when you hide it, come back and find nothing, you learn it is not that good to find a car, why?

Because you can run everywhere, and you learnt patience, and with food and drinks it is easy to go wherever you want, this makes vehicles not that usefull, and why do you keep a car with you? to restock when you die, or just lulz around, but scavenging your gear is the best thing in this game so far, so finding your car, which can be stolen and then you lose everything, "bases" are not everything that we hoped for, we all know if we put a tent in any place of the map, someone will loot it eventually, and putting a tent, with all your nice gear is too risky.

So, in the end we discover pvp, and in the end we stop learning to care about our life,and how to deal with death, and in the end, you start doing almost anything.

And by talking to people from some clans i know, let me tell you that theres not one of them who cares about banditry, and no matter what you do, pvp will always be the rule, specially against clans who are already arranging time scheduled cronfontations, and now making little tournaments. This has become a pvp, why? because we can do that, and it has always been a part of the game to have competition, no matter what, this is a competitive game, if someone loots the market before me, they will end up fighting each other, and by receiving freedom we will do that, not because we are dicks, which few are, but because its fun, and doing that keeps us in the game, we have run out of things to do, and just looting all the time is not that good.

And if rocket makes it as he say, the game not fun as he said in a interview, well ok, but we will see more pvp, and clans, groups will become the rule, and most people who came here in these huge flock of people we will see them going away, maybe this is good, and by all that i have read, the game will be focusing in groups, and groups normally kos on sight, thus making a game of easy to survive team deathmatch, no matter how hard surviving becomes in groups it will always be easier, and the experienced players will whine about the hardships that come, but they will just destroy the barriers or find a way around, just like the zombies ai has been dealt with. Either we make the game hard for these experienced players, and groups, or we will see some of them leaving too, and the dogs that are coming in the next patch doesnt look to be the answer too. I am no designer, but this game doesnt look like to care about what we are doing anymore

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It makes me laugh so much the the AS50 deathmatch kids say 'go play CoD', most of them are too young to understand irony though. :(

So to sum up...

The reasons FOR the removal of sniper rifles...

They're overpowered

Breaks the flow of the game

Sniping mechanic isn't very realistic

Murder farming on the coast

Reasons AGAINST the removal of sniper rifles...

QQ kid, go play CoD!

Both sound arguments but I think I know which side I'm leaning towards...

Argument against removal:

They aren't overpowered

How is the sniping mechanic not realistic? You have to aim up for distance, aim ahead for movement, aim for vital areas...

Out of all the servers I've played on (mind you, I have no home server, so that's 20-30 different servers) I have never been sniped after spawning

It doesn't break the flow at all, you don't have to be a LeEt specops NAVY SEEL to not get sniped in cherno, electro, stary, or even the NWAF for that matter.

also, QQ moar

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The military grade sniper rifles like the AS50 and the M107 are fine themselves, but due to duping they are quite common and thus all the complaining.

I wouldn't want them to be reduced or taken out even if there wasn't a duping problem as I feel they are a necessary part of the game.

Yes, the snipers that camp Elektro and Cherno give these guns a bad name, but that doesn't mean that they should be removed.

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