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Debug forest glitch! Lose all my gear!

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So i know how the debug glitch works, it shows the you are dead menu, sends you to debug forest, you dc and rejoin and spawn on the beach with all your gear etc etc, However, lately for me it has been all of that except that i spawn on the beach with NOTHING, no backpack ,flashlight not even a bandage, BUT i do spawn with my ghillie suit lol.. its the same process, im loading in, its says you are dead, sends me to debug forest, and i dc and reconnect, but i have no gear. Has this happened to anyone out there? it has happened to me 2 times already, very fucking frustrating, almost as frustatring as alt f4'ing scrubs!

on a side note, both those times i was armed to the teeth, the most recent time i had and m4 sd l85aws, food, water, 3 extra pairs of nvgs, 3 ghillies, and 2, soldier clothing, so it really made me mad this most recent time(yesterday)

sorry i am crying but i just hope im not the only that this happens to! D:

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It happens to the best of us. Just pretend you got drugged and robbed... Be happy they didnt steal your kidneys.

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Happened to me last night. I lost everything, backpack etc. But I kept all my zombie kills, and my camo clothing.

Just run along the beach till you find a dead fresh spawn and grab his pack and start over. Not much more you can do.

Edited by Buick72

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