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The Kick Ass Owner

Most popular suggestions for Rocket

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I just want to say that this post is in no way disrespecting DayZ

I have collected many popular ideas that seem like legitimate "good ideas", and I wouldn't mind seeing them implemented into the DayZ mod. I currently don't know if many of these ideas have been rejected due to issues in coding, if thats the case just post a comment saying such...

Holstering Weapons - I don't know why this isn't in the DayZ mod due to the fact that this can be done in regular campaign by double tapping the "Control" key


Bikes - In many books I have read such as the "Zombie survival Guide" one of the best things you can do in a zombie apocalypse is ride a Bike, and realistically who doesn't own a bike. There probably more common in places such as Chernarus, many people can't afford a ca but they ca afford a bike. At least add one bike in each town in Chernarus, it's a fast way of travel and your also open to getting your head clipped by a sniper.


The crossbow - I would expect this to be the most weapon used in a zombie apocalypse, but in DayZ it is the least used weapon. This is due to the lack of no scope, and the fact that one bolt takes up a shit load of space.


New Zombie Skin - No disrespect but there is someone offering to create skins for the zombies, and i've seen his work there pretty nice compared to the current zombies.


Zombies Movements - When your seen by a zombie I understand that there instincts is similar to an animals (as seen by what Rocket has posed in other forums) I can not stress how much I agree with this (this is what a true zombie game should be about) but my only concern is that when an animal/zombie is attempting to chase me down and eat me I don't think he would run in a zig zag pattern trying to doge bullets. His role in life is to get to me and eat me not to dodge bullets.

Server name in Debug Monitor - On countless occasions i have been in a server and been forced to answer a simple question "What server is this". It's a really simple just add the server name in Debug Monitor.


New communication system - I have seen somewhere a member asking for, instead of Global/Side/Group it's changed with "Whisper/Normal/Shout". Depending on which one is chosen a radios is formed where anyone inside of that radios can hear you including Zombies.

Radios - I think this would add a whole new group element to the game. Such as: If a radio is found you can search the channels to find any other survivors.


Whats happing with the M1 Garand Rocket?


I would also love to see this weapon added to the game.

Thanks i hope some of the staff see this and consider some of there's ideas.

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This isn't the list of most popular suggestions, its *your* list of your favorite suggestions. Other than that I like a few of them and will vote for them on they're individual pages.

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This isn't the list of most popular suggestions' date=' its *your* list of your favorite suggestions. Other than that I like a few of them and will vote for them on they're individual pages.


100% agree.

I'd like to add "most popular" =/= Good.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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This isn't the list of most popular suggestions' date=' its *your* list of your favorite suggestions. Other than that I like a few of them and will vote for them on they're individual pages.


Exactly what I was thinking.


- You can holster your weapon. I've heard that double tapping control and control+R both do the trick.

- Bikes are already in Arma II, and they suck pretty hard. It'd be fun to get them either way though.

- I'm pretty sure the zombie behavior isn't going to stay the way it is now.

- Communication system is being reworked iirc, but it's already essentially pretty close to that.

- Why would a WWII Era american rifle be in Eastern Europe?

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Ok to answer some questions.

Yes I miss spelled Garand I'am sorry sue me...

Also I agree this is "my" list of "my" most favourite suggestions. I was going to add the power plant grid suggestion but i couldn't locate it sorry, i'll add it now thanks for adding the post. The only reason i want to add the M1 Garand is because some one has the work completed for this weapon, no one has come forward with a Mosin Nagant, again sorry. I'`ve look at some of the suggestions you all want added and i'am going to edit the list but i need to be some where right now so you should see an improvement with in 6 hours thanks

keep posting

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I don't really like the power plant suggestion. You need a shit ton of coal to run those things, which means you need to import it or mine it. Both of which are virtually impossible given the circumstances.

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This isn't the list of most popular suggestions' date=' its *your* list of your favorite suggestions. Other than that I like a few of them and will vote for them on they're individual pages.


Exactly what I was thinking.


- You can holster your weapon. I've heard that double tapping control and control+R both do the trick.

- Bikes are already in Arma II, and they suck pretty hard. It'd be fun to get them either way though.

- I'm pretty sure the zombie behavior isn't going to stay the way it is now.

- Communication system is being reworked iirc, but it's already essentially pretty close to that.

- Why would a WWII Era american rifle be in Eastern Europe?

Lee enfield?

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I had ideas on leaving behind something in the world, so people knew of your life, what you did etc, thread here, http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9070

Ideas include graffiti, voice recorder, camcorder, journals, player appearance based on choices in the world, scalping/collecting ear necklaces for bandits.

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