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The #1 problem that Day Z is facing today

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No, the problem with Day Z is NOT with the glitches, hackers, bandits, bugs, snipers or artifacts. And before anyone asks, No I am not an asshole sniper, script kiddie, bandit, hacker or duper. The main problem that Day Z is facing is that the game claims to be "Completely Persistent" throughout all servers and log ins. Anyone who has played Day Z for more than 5 minutes knows that this is simply just not true. Tents delete items, flatten, disappear, get eaten by bigfoot, and decide to not let you place them. Same with vehicles, they delete items, reset and overall are just a pain in the ass to keep over 1 day. Not only this, but your inventory and backpack seems to eat weapons and gear as much as anything else does. This leads to my main point.

Day Z is a game that rewards being careful and hard work, along with smart play and persistence. It is more disheartening than anything to have your tent that you had stashed with over 10 days worth of weapons, ammo, food, tools and other necessities, be eaten by some problem saving to the hive. THIS is the main problem with Day Z, moreso than hackers in my mind. I believe that this issue should be targeted as #1 alongside as hackers as the game breaking elements of this game.

I open this thread up to discussion, agree/disagree. I only ask that i get no "QQ faggot" comments or the whatnot.

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I asked for constructive criticism, fuck off if you have nothing to say

Again, it's alpha you impatient fuck.

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Its alpha we are testing out this mod to get rid of bugs before beta....what is with the I want everything perfect mentality with everyone? Do some research and learn the video game development cycle. Alpha is the phase where devs throw as much stuff into the game as possible and us as testers test it to rid bugs from the massive things they are adding. I think the main issue is the devs arent adding enough things into the game to test because of whiners like you.

Edited by Priceless

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Again, it's alpha you impatient fuck.


Must feel pretty shitty to write up that longwinded post just to get shut down.

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Again, it's alpha you impatient fuck.

lol even after "alpha" it'll still be broken

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No, the problem with Day Z is NOT with the glitches, hackers, bandits, bugs, snipers or artifacts.

Tents delete items, flatten, disappear, get eaten by bigfoot, and decide to not let you place them. Same with vehicles, they delete items, reset and overall are just a pain in the ass to keep over 1 day. Not only this, but your inventory and backpack seems to eat weapons and gear as much as anything else does.

Glitches and bugs are not the problem? But you list glitches and bugs as the problem.

No I am not an asshole...

I asked for constructive criticism, fuck off if you have nothing to say

You say you're not an asshole, yet you are to the first person who has any opinion.

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I asked for constructive criticism, fuck off if you have nothing to say

Just ignore the trolls. Almost every thread, even threads with constructive feedback...get trolls responding "lol its alpha trololol"...trolls are obvious trolls

As for the topic. Seems to be server specific with disappearing tents. The server I'm on, I have 5 tents (3 new ones) and a red sudan. Found a bunch of stuff last night at someones camp. Came on today, and everything is still there. Except one of the new tents may have eaten a test item I put in, and maybe a second one did too. I don't recall if I put anything in them or not. In any case, I put in one item in both tents, and see if they disappear or not.

Supposedly, if a tent eats an item once...it won't happen again after that. But that was in, so not sure if that is still true. But the server I play on, seems way better than others I've played...in terms of persistance and non-buggyness.

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OP you start by saying the number one problem is not glitches or bugs and end by saying the problem is glitches and bugs less then 200 words later. I'm not entirely sure what you expect us to discuss.

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Sounds like you're trying to put too much stuff in your back pack. Also, do you realize that tents can be destroyed?

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A vast percentage of this forum is people critisising a game in alpha instead of reporting issues.

There is a huge difference in how you can go about making a post (and often in forums they can be misinterpreted).

Remember we are testers, basically.

If you find a bug, glitch or anything thats hindering gameplay, you report it.

The original OP in my opinion was just stating an issue, requesting constructive criticism..... and he gets lambasted.

People have a right to discuss issues with the game.

I'm going to use a word now that I hate, but some people need to 'chillax' more.

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lol even after "alpha" it'll still be broken

You obviously do not understand the process of gaming.

Remember Battlefield 3 Beta? How many bugs and glitches it had?

Yeah we tested those bugs finding them and making them noticed for the developers to make and polish their final project.

Same instance here except at a far worse state.

The game is going to be standalone. Meaning he can now do whatever he wants with the coding.

So appreciate what rocket is doing or stop playing. Simple.

Again ALPHA...

We're testing it not playing

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Must feel pretty shitty to write up that longwinded post just to get shut down.

No kidding. The reason for being locked should say, "OP is a whineass"

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After the first 48 hours in Chernarus I was forced to go Zen and renounce any and all possession.

It's not my gun, it's a gun. Not my NVGs, just a pair of NVGs.

Last night I did a full run of Stary and NW Airfield, and filled my entire inventory with ammo for my two favorite weapons. Stayed up late even because for whatever reason the spawns were all bountiful and I wasn't encountering much resistance- figured I had a small window to make a bunch of progress.

This morning over coffee I went into my tent to find it rolled back to not just before the server restart, but back to last week.

I'm done "stocking up". My bad anyway because I knew better.

What really annoys me are the graphical glitches forcing me to restart my game every time I get close to any military type location or hospital It's doubly lame because I get crippling artifacts right at the moment where I need to be the most aware of my surroundings.

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