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spawned on the coast with no gear

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So is there any fix for this. At first i spawn in the debug land but when i got to a different server i was on the east coast of the map with nothing. Not even the starting gear. Not even a backpack. So i lost my coyote backpack(24 slots), NVG, camo, G17,8 steaks, ton of sodas ak74 kobra,... can i fix this or am i basically done? Seems like this patch made everything worse.

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Same thing happened to me yesterday. I forgot the server name. I assumed it was a very unimaginative hacker, but I may very well be wrong. Lost quite a bit of good legit gear.

Logged into the server in a field, alone, with nothing. Insta-logged out and went to another server, where I was on the beach near Electro still void of gear, but I kept my kill count.

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another user wrote this:

"Pray they return and fix it soon until then ........ if you get locked up on a loading screen alt tab out and open up a second instance of dayz log into a different server make sure you are all the way in and then close the stuck loading screen with task manager ....doesnt always work but has saved me several coast respawns"

dont know it this works, dont know if you had connecting problems before the respawn happened... also i can tell you that a friend of mine coast repawned

after a 24h disonnect of his provider so try to avoid that either...i personally dont log out in prone and of course not nearby any trees and walls. if it still happens you can just try to get to ur dead body and pray that a new patch will come soon.

Edited by pavlof

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here's what happened. I went to a server and got stuck on the loading screen. I ctrl+alt+del to exit teh game. I go on another server and it suddenly say i was killed and i'm wating 5 seconds to respawn. I respawn in the debug land with all my gear. I abort and disconnect and go to another server and then this happens. Not sure if it's even possible to get my gear back.

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This just happened to a friend of mine when moving from one known good server to another. He simply spawned on the coast with nothing. No ctrl+alt+delete during load, hive simply forgot about all his gear :(. Lost a TON of gear just now.

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Congratulations, you have joined the CLUB! :)

No worries, I lost my NVGs, AS50, m16 Acog and more rarities this way. No fix yet, but stay tuned as you will now experience a parallel universe.

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Not sure if it's even possible to get my gear back.

when this happened to my friend my char was standing next to his. It brought him directly to the debug plains (no kill message for him). But for me... His dead Body was lying right where he logged out the last time when he got his gear on the server where it took him to the dubug plains. (no fly sound so u have to look closely - but you have at least a good chance of getting ur stuff back)

Edited by pavlof

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i don't know the server sadly. And i'm on the other side of the map anyways.

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