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About tfw

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  1. tfw

    Just found rarest item in DayZ

    I drank mine. Nothing is too rare for survival.
  2. Well sandy bridge was a huge success with bull dozer just... a flop. Including when the GTX 400s totally blew away AMD's gfx chip lines. I think AMD was playing with the idea of dropping out of the gfx market and going to go only for the mobile market or something.
  3. tfw

    Looking for Rangefinder

    Fuck this guy.
  4. tfw

    Looking to trade for NVG.

    I'll trade you my NVG + Rangefinder for your Bizon and Coyote.
  5. Congratulations, you have joined the CLUB! :) No worries, I lost my NVGs, AS50, m16 Acog and more rarities this way. No fix yet, but stay tuned as you will now experience a parallel universe.
  6. tfw

    BattleEye Ruined My Game

    So you're saying that if you read this on a different post then it would be fake, as opposed to reading on this post which you said was the first one you've read?
  7. tfw


    Hey man I'd love to join you if you'd like. I have to build up my sniping gear again after my run in with my spawn bug. (Ugh) Hit me up asap and we'll get this ball rolling.
  8. 1) How old are you? 21 2) What time are you usually on? (time zone) PST 9AM to 8PM or later 3) What is your preferred roll to play on the team? such as a sniper/CQC/looter/spotter Sniper, CQC or spotter 4) What is the preferred wep you like to use? M24, AS50, M4a3, AKS-74u Kobra Attach, Grenades 5) What is your current wep you are using? AKS-74U. I had a m24 but lost it due to a retarded spawning bug. (Spawned me away from my gear and to the coast. Can't find it anymore) I'm starting over pretty much, but I'm thinking of going into more PVP style play. 6) Why should we choose you? I specialize in reconnaissance, meaning that I will give you my input on sniper locations and blind spots, as well as possible ambushes. Currently a scout cav irl. Hopefully some of that will help.
  9. *Sigh* I'm so pissed right now. :(
  10. No really, fuck it. I was finding my way through a forest with my UAZ packed with a bunch of goodies and what happens? I crash and when I log back in... I'm on the coast. -.- Fucking great.
  11. tfw

    Weapons in Backpack disappear

    Same happened to me. Lost a M24, DMR and my AS50 over the coarse of 2 days. Fuck me man.
  12. Game ratings are just opinions, nothing more.
  13. tfw

    Lookin for company US

    Add me Joker-DMN- on steam! Hope to see you roaming!
  14. Army man? 19D all the waaay. :3 And sure I'll roam with ya, if you can keep up.
  15. Either find yourself some mates to travel with. Or hit up deer towers for weapons. Always be on your guard and avoid large cities. In the case you need supplies from them (Anti-Bio, blood packs, etc) then be on your guard with getting out of dodge as fast as you can.