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Sniper squad - Recruitment

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My name is Phil, 20 years old (young?). I am from the Czech Republic and I've been playing DayZ with my friend for almost two months now. However the game started to be boring for him and stopped playing so I decided to try something more serious and form a squad about 5 - 10 fine, experinced players who know a bit about sniping, military tactics etc.

The squad will be focusing mainly on sniper tactics, everybody will have his own role like sniper, spotter etc (this will change from time to time ofc).

I would like to try snipe some of the bigger towns in game (what is almost impossible when you play alone, at least on high-pop servers), counter snipe, maybe try to find some vehicles sometimes and more stuff.

If you enjoy this game style and think you meet all requirement listed belowe, just reply or write me PM:)

What I expect from you:

• Be able to work in group

• Have some level of maturity

• Be interactive

• Understand the game

• Know a bit about military tactics

• Never use or encourage hacks etc.

• Have Skype and fine microphone (if you have TS/Mumble and know some server where we could spend some time, it would be awesome)

• Be able to play on EU servers (I am usually online from 6 pm to 1 am GMT)

• Speak English

What you can expect from being in group like this:

• Be able to achieve higher goals in game

• Help each other in game

• Trade items with other players

• Play the game with experienced players

• Have some good fun with others

• If you die, the group will help you to recover your gear (also gearing up itself is faster in group)

Edited by *Scarecrow*

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i have a m107 and m14 and i would love to join PM if i can or IM me on skype my name is mikewiwi

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Oh, did I make three topics? I honestly did not mean to do that. Sorry, will be careful next time;)

Edited by *Scarecrow*

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that's all cool but what do you exactly mean by "Know a bit about military tactics" ? care to show an example ?

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I meant that you should know how to act in certain situations. For example when you are being attacked by bigger group of players you can't just stay prone and hope they won't hit you. You must cooperate with your team, there must be some supression fire and retreat. Also the retreat should be coherent, you can't just run hundred meters and again hope they won't hit you...

So that is it, of course you can learn many but I want people who knows just a little about it;)

Edited by *Scarecrow*

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Hello there, as you can tell, I'm called Kegsey, I have only recently decided on becoming a bandit as I am pretty much at end game, with tents full of stuff. I will tell you some of the items I have obtained and am willing to supply to the group, if it gets too big.

My skype name is: "KillerKegsey"

My current nickname on skype is just Kegsey

I am 15 years of age and have owned this mod for four and a half months.

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I see in your signature that you already have some squad, don't you?

Btw: I am getting more PMs than I expected so I need to pick the best of you guys. Try to write as much as possible about yourself:)

Edited by *Scarecrow*

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we are 2 experience snipers, both very well geared and we work great as a team.

if interested

steam: wokfoyu

skype: pengconnor

we are both 17 and we have been looking for a group for a long time :)

Edited by wokfoyu

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