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Harvestable Vegetation & food poisoning

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if there was some way of harvesting certain types of vegetation out in the forest it would add to the survival factor. having some good ones mixed in with some hazardous ones would make it so it wouldn't be too easy. there are several different edible native vegetation all over the world, it just takes a little know how so that you don't eat the wrong thing and poison yourself.

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I've seen some pumpkins in the game, always wanted to be able to eat those :P

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I like this idea. Edible vegetation, including some poisonous. No indication as to which are safe, unless you already know. Naturally there'd be some obvious "easy picks" of recognizable vegetation, bell peppers or tomatoes or whatever. But there could also be berries and whatnot that are poisonous.

The health benefit of eating vegetation would have to be small, though. Maybe 10 or 20 blood restored for eating a piece of fruit. To survive on eating plants, you have to be a grazer. That's just real, bruh.

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I've run across pumpkin patches while starving, just wishing I could eat one.

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