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Stuck on Loading Screen - Spawn on Coast - Sniper takes me out... Eff this game

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So yea, uninstalling, nice playing it for a week but too many hackers and too many bugs. I know alpha blah blah blah but I guess adding useless pets is more important than fixing game breaking bugs.

See you guys when they fix all the bullshit.

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You are probably the sanest among us!

How did you know this is what happened?

If you recall, do you know what version server you were trying to join (beta included) and the one you were running?

I found that I would get stuck on loading screens a lot when these things happened.

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When you connect to non .5 servers it can spawn you at one of the respawn points but you have your gear still atleast -_- happened to me a few times no biggie tho.

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When you connect to non .5 servers it can spawn you at one of the respawn points but you have your gear still atleast -_- happened to me a few times no biggie tho.

to bad you always spawn near kamenka and end up dieing getting back to where you were. im so sick of spawning far away from where i was just to die running back to that town for 30mins.

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