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bandit at airfield need help

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hey guys,

i had just built all my gear up and went into he airfield near cherno a bandit is held up somewhere in there he killed me near radio station. Now everytime i try get back to get my items he kills me again is there anyone that can help im on server UK 118 . If there is anyone who thinks they can take him out plz let me know help :D .

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yea i cant seem to spot him but if u think u can do it i can meet u near airfield i have no weapon so ur safe i wud just like 2 get my stuff :(

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I think what Holy means is that it's to risky for him to help you out, the bandit is not the problem but it might be that you are currently trying to lure him and take his gear.

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paranoids, paranoids everywhere. if you can get me some antibiotics i am glad to help. I don't have a decent gear just a g17 and a ak cobra. I'm currently in pustoshka, so just pm me and we'll see if, how and when this takes place.

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I'll take him out for you. I'm not far from airfield. Do you know which side of the strip he's on?

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Not sure if it was him or not but I shot at someone and they ran like hell! Any idea what his game name is so I can tell if he's on or not?

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Your stuff is gone.

Just move on.

Of course this is hours after the fact, but I'd be right even 30 minutes after the fact.

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Most likely you are right. I don't care about the loot, Just like taking down bandits :)

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