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Am I going to get banned?

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So I was just on US950 and I came upon a group of guys outside Komorovo. They were definetely hacking. Spawning all types of weapons, items and vehicles, including what appeared to be a silver honda civic. They also spawned about 50 bear traps and laid them all around their gear. I was sitting silently watching and pretending to be a corpse until a guy runs up to me. Turns out he was friendly. He filled my inventory with all types of stuff, including an AS50 TWS that has a scope that is insane, range finders, like everything I could possibly ask for. Very nice guy.

Is this going to get me banned now? At this point, I've just about had it with all the hacking in DayZ anyway. Last night was the first time I've played in a couple weeks and about 60 seconds after I log on, in a Ghillie, under a tree, in a forest in the middle of no where, a guy appears out of no where and just blasts me into oblivion. So I got on today to start fresh and this is what happens. I'd rather not be banned but at this point, does it really even matter?

edit: the guys also spawned cows on parachutes falling out of the sky. Crazy.

Edited by fooferz

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Your safe, only the people scripting will be punished.

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You won't be banned for cheating them in but if you know you are playing with dangerous stuff i would dump it in the next Z i killed and made it disappear. A server admin might take your for a hacker and ban you regardless.

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