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Found a bunch of vehicles.

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So after playing the game for about 3 weeks and not finding any vehicles at all. Last night i played on this server, as I was running towards kamenka on the main roads I see a bunch of vehicles. I'm talking about, heli, bus, cars, trucks, boats, atv ect. I ran closer, see two dead guys, and one of them had a gun that i've never seen or read about before. I picked up the gun and drove off with an atv, did a quick search and found out that the gun was a hack gun so I immediately dropped it. Is it me or something fishy is going on with this server.

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Of course it is hackers, who would leave that many vehicles on the coast. I found something similar next to Solinchiny (sp. too lazy to look it up) the other day minus the heli and hacked gun. I still instantly knew it was hackers, why else would there be six boats (on the shore no less), 8 ATV's, a couple of trucks, and too many bicycles to count on an area people spawn. I watched the area for a little and when I felt safe I grabbed an ATV and headed for the hills. Was watching the coast for sniper kills when I see a hacker transport in with Jason mask and murder a new spawn and I got off that server after hitting him twice with no response. Script kiddies gotta script.

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