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I think it would be great if we could open up the data that DayZ has about characters so people can go ahead and make cool stuff like stats comparisons, leaderboards, mashups with location data and maps etc

We'd need a restful api with a few endpoints for player data and thats about that :)

I'd be more than happy to work on it so long as you don't mind PHP + codeigniter :)


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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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The downside to such an API would be that it requires to access the main database. Not a security issue as it could just be a JSON output (or a similar technique), but it would actually have a performance impact on the loading of characters, as it would have to grab the in-game stats.

Is it possible? Surely, but it would require some external copy of the main DB that is updated say every 12 to 24 hours which then is used to generate (hopefully tiny) signatures and alike.

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Yeah I could see a copy version working, 24hr delay on stats perhaps and just cron a db dump to an api db for reading from perhaps? That or epic keys on the tables or nosql/mongodb?

I could knock you an api up pretty quick with the phil sturgeon rest api library. I'd just need the db schema and some idea of what data you want displaying and perhaps a few rows of fake data

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Yeah already thought that would be awesome to see through rockets eyes^^

Sure there are some funny informations out there :p

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The obvious downside is that everybody could just check how many ppl this person has killed, what equipment he is wearing, etc. I think at least equipment shouldnt be accessable through the API.

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It doesn't have to be personal, it s more a global stat i would love... To see how many people killed and loot after

That kind of stuff ^^

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i know this post is more than 1 year old, but me too i'd be happy to have a rest service available to grab data from dayz servers (map, items database, lists of servers, etc...).

And, accessing a DB is not a big deal as soon as an efficient caching solution has been set up. Like Redis (http://redis.io) for example.


That would be great if Dayz devs would share on their blog the servers architecture, and their dailies technical problems. CCP (that develops EvE Online) use to share some of their technical challenges and it's always worth the read. Example on node instances balancing : http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/building-a-balanced-universe


As a side note, Dayz team should learn a lot from EvE Online :)

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I realize this is an old post but a few Google searches on the top and I ended up here. I still think this is a great idea and there is certainly a major opportunity here. It can be as specific or general as the main DayZ developers like. Being able to compare stats against friends and view yourself on leader boards gives players a sense of actually achieving something and a willingness to play more in order to improve their stats/gain a better score on a leader board. 


I think that something similar to a site like LoLKing (excuse me for mentioning such a game on here) would be entirely suitable. Something that records things such as the amount of kills, deaths, assists, K/D ratio (I'm trying to not make it too Call of Dutyish), zombie kills, average time alive, full steps taken/distance travelled, etc, etc would be very cool. You could even go further and show each life that you had as a section with kills that life, time spent alive, zombie kills, distance traveled and more. I am sure that you get the idea and can probably think of more things to add.


This can be made a public access API or even a site that is run by the DayZ team that people are able to visit. It would create an incentive to play the game as aforementioned and another income steam; that is adverts. 


As far as development goes, I am very happy to help out (and would be capable) and I am sure the people that have already posted would be too. I think that amongst us we could come up with something very cool and something I think that would be hugely beneficial to the game. I know that among my friends group (the group ranges between people who have played for 1000+ hours to people with a little over 100) we would really appreciate it and I think it goes without saying that others would too.


I would love to have some sort of official response back to this!


Thanks in advance,


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