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ManOfWar (DayZ)

Hide body irrelevant due to 15 minute body despawn

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Due to the new patch bodies no longer stay on the map for a very long time after the person is killed

15 minutes is way too short to have the bodies disappear, it is nice finding bodies no matter how long ago they died

Does anyone else agree?

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I think its perfect. You can get vital info from bodies now when you find them. They obviously died fairly recently, depending on the orientation you can tell whether or not they were shot or eaten, and you also can rummage through the body and see what was left on it. If there wasnt much then the shooter is probably ill equipped, if everything was left on him then perhaps the shooter is still lying in wait hoping for someone else to come along. 15min is a good length and anything longer and bodies will start clogging up the server resources.

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I don't think the 15 mins despawn is working? I swear I've seen bodies persist much, much longer.

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I'd like to find day old corpses and grab whatever's left on it, but I'm not going to give up any frame rates just to have it.

I'd also like the strategic placement of corpses via dragging so I can bait other players into checking bodies.

Also, indefinite corpse removal would be a good way to get people to use the hide body feature more.

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I tend to use the 'hide bodies' function on zombies or player corpses so that people don't know that I'm around, assuming they haven't heard my gunshots.

It adds a degree of stealth to the game that I find useful, so I'd be happy for it to stay.

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Hiding bodies gives 14 mins 30 seconds more of a chance for a possible avoided encounter.

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