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Rocket, Might be smarter than I gave him credit for

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Since there are so many issues at current state it has given me time to seach around the forums and dig into what/who this Rocket guy is. I don't know him irl but some of the quotes I have read lead me to believe maybe he is taking the mod in the right direction.

Rocket has been recorded saying (summary) he is not sure he even listens to players when it comes to building the mod.. He is doing it as art or as a mod that hasn't been done yet. He wants it to piss people off when they die. Even suggested an 8 hour death penalty.. I think that is amazing. Most carebears are going to flame this but once all the hacks are gone and the only real way to die is either by zombie or player death this idea would make this mod (stand alone) stand above all others.. yes there are things to be worked out and they will be im sure, maybe 8 hours changes to some other time.. my point is Rocket doesn't seem like the "give in to carebear" type and that alone will keep me interested in the game.. this game should be hard.. It's (theoretically) about one of the toughest times in anyone's life. It should have harsh punishments on death. This would keep people from running down the middle of main street with 12 zombies in tail for the nearest hospitil in cherno, knowing there are snipers around. Rocket, I have misjudged you.. I can appreciate your art.

Edited by gwbrewer

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In what way does this relate to DayZ servers?

God forbid someone make a mistake on your watch, thanks for your useful input phaggot. anyway I think this was a good write up and you sir, get my beans.

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Rocket's not smart, it's pure luck.

He's a monkey with a typewriter.

He just randomly reinvented pc gaming.

Nothing out of the ordenary. :)

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No shit, if you add a 8 hour penality, DayZ will loose ~98% of it's players (unless the amount of private hive server rises further).

It's frustrating enough to die, but to literally f up somebody's "Hey, let's have a good ol evening of DayZ with my friend" by tempbanning him off the game... You get the point.

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I agree with everything, but what do you mean "8 hour death penalty"...?

It means if you spawn at Kamenka, it'll take you 48 hours to get to Elektro.

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I agree.

Rocket should make the game *he* wants to make.

I've seen many games get run into the ground because of the more vocal communities.

What some devs don't seem to realize is that the players that are happy with things, won't bother posting about them.

It's the complaints that get noticed, not the praise.

I've never been hacked, never been to Thunderdome, only had my legs broken by a zombie once (at G.Mountain, go figure) and I definitely have no trouble with updating/connecting. Why would I complain? I have been alpha/beta testing since the original QTF (Quake Team Fortress) so I'm used to issues with early builds. That's why you don't see me ranting and raving about the issues.. oh yeah, that and the fact that I trust Rocket to do the right thing. It's the people who are vocal about things that sit in the forums and complain.. the people who are happy with the game are too busy playing it to come to the threads and counter the bitching.

It's one thing to listen to your community and read their feedback, it's a completely different thing to change the game because a bunch of spoiled kids decided rant in the forums.. look what happened to Battlefield 3. :(

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