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who couldent dayz controls work on console

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many people have been saying that dayz has to many controls and that the stand alone couldent work on consols but i dont see why here is a posible control mapping (some of these controls i made up for example a melee button wich i think the game could use)

allso some people have flamed my topic saying dayz will never come to console well rocket has actualy said that if there is a profit in it he will port the dayz standalone to consoles

triangle switch from first to third person

square reload

x jump

circle action button (grab item open door etc)

top arrow tap to use item e.g switch nvg's on or of or use a bandage

hold to make your charecter stand up more (what i mean by this is that if your standing/crouching behind cover and the cover is a bit to small or tall then you use the up or down button to increase or decrease his/her height to make sure your leaving as little of your body out of cover as possible

left arrow tap to use item e.g switch nvg's on or of or use a bandage

hold to lean left

right arrow tap to use item e.g switch nvg's on or of or use a bandage

hold to lean right

bottom arrow tap to use item e.g switch nvg's on or of or use a bandage

hold to make your charecter crouch down more (what i mean by this is that if your standing/crouching behind cover and the cover is a bit to small or tall then you use the up or down button to increase or decrease his/her height to make sure your leaving as little of your body out of cover as possible

L1 tap to change equiped grenade hold to cook and release to throw grenade

R1 use weapons secondary ability e.g the g17s flashlight the m203 on the m4 and it could be used to hold your breath whilst using a sniper rifle

L2 hold down to aim

R2 hold down/tap to shoot

L3 use the analog to move hold down to go crouch go prone etc

R3 use the analog to aim press to melee attack

select inventory

start standard start menu

im pritty sure thats just about everything and more you could add well i guess you could allso add in a sprint button but i dont rearly see why they even add a sprint button to these games

and the controls might be a little geting used to but i think it would work out fine

im not sure about the arrow controls they might be a bit awkward if not done right

allso i meant for the title to say why not who is there any way to change it?

Edited by resistence1993

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what an odd thing to say.

with the 16 different buttons to press on normal controllers these days it'd be easy.

I personally use 8 buttons on the keyboard and the 3 mouse buttons.

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Hmm, console faggotry.

Go push your buttons in other games, keyboard and mouse is all what we need. This subject is irrelevant.

Edited by Pinkkifantti
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So, take the CoD control scheme and slap it onto DayZ? Nah, thanks.

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I can not believe you are even thinking of DayZ on a console. You Sir should be shot and dragged behind a truck until the skin on your ass and back is completely gone, after we have taken your beans.

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I estimate its kinda hard to hit someone at 400 meter distance with an Enfield... Even with the mouse you sometimes fiddle around between 1 or 2 pixels, I estimate this isn't easy with a controller.

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16 controls...

compared to using 10 on the keyboard + mouse that's 3

10+3 = 13

PC trumps console...plus the reaction time of a mouse is so much smoother, better and faster {stronger) [DAFT PUNK]

Plus could you imagine trying to find a server omfg!! using sticks would take a age!

Sorry...if this game ever went console it would ruin it...


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So, take the CoD control scheme and slap it onto DayZ? Nah, thanks.

Uhh, why not? CoD has pretty tight controls.

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Technically, Arma allows you bind an Xbox controller to use in-game. You can do it easily already from within the key bindings menu. It makes vehicles better to drive but for general gameplay I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to get shot in the face more so than now.

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Console games are limited by many factors, making most PC to console transfers crap :(

Graphics are the important factor but consoles are seen as budget gaming so the graphic cards are old and outdated to keep costs low. The next xbox is rumoured to have a radeon hd 6670 graphics card :o It's shit now and only £45 ($70) on ebay.

Bandwidth is another factor, look at how scaled back battlefield 3 is on the xbox 360 compared to the pc version because microsoft and sony have strict rules.

So yes it's possible to port DayZ over to consoles but it will only be half the game it is on a PC

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Proves a point from another thread. DayZ would be perfectly playable in consoles, and I hope the best for that rumored console port, which should bring extra money to BI.

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Hmm, console faggotry.

Go push your buttons in other games, keyboard and mouse is all what we need. This subject is irrelevant.

yeah you totaly dont come of at all like a 23 year old virgin basement dweller that lives with his parents

Edited by resistence1993

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Inventory management is usually made a lot longer when porting to console.

You missed out many tools in your guide too, hatchet, gps? ctrl M toggles gps, and we use the mouse to arm the hatchet. Watch, Map?

How often do you "jump"/vault, should it really be a main button?

Have you played Minecraft on xbox? It's a lot slower and a lot longer.

I play skyrim on x box too, that suffers from the controls and the game (a battle specifically) is a lot slower paced because of it.

Not to mention that as long as we are talking about hardware over a decade old then there is no way to deny that a games development has to be dummed down to be console accessible.

You think running DayZ on your PC is rough? Try running it on some ten year old hardware.

Edited by Criminal

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I can not believe you are even thinking of DayZ on a console. You Sir should be shot and dragged behind a truck until the skin on your ass and back is completely gone, after we have taken your beans.

you do know right that rocket has anounced that he will port the stand alone to console if he sees a profit in it

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Inventory management is usually made a lot longer when porting to console.

You missed out many tools in your guide too, hatchet, gps? ctrl M toggles gps, and we use the mouse to arm the hatchet. Watch, Map?

How often do you "jump"/vault, should it really be a main button?

Have you played Minecraft on xbox? It's a lot slower and a lot longer.

I play skyrim on x box too, that suffers from the controls and the game (a battle specifically) is a lot slower paced because of it.

Not to mention that as long as we are talking about hardware over a decade old then there is no way to deny that a games development has to be dummed down to be console accessible.

You think running DayZ on your PC is rough? Try running it on some ten year old hardware.

they arent missed out you can map them to the arrow buttons for example nvg top arrow bandage left range finder right gps and the hatchet can be equiped as a melee weapon not a tool though it would still have the same uses and to view the map you could just press select and switch over to the map like in most games

jumping is allways a main button on console

you do know that ps3 is six years old not 10 right

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Uhh, why not? CoD has pretty tight controls.

I agree 100%, it does have really tight controls, but the lay out just doesn't look that user friendly for DayZ. Well, not to me anyway. It can be made to work, of course, but from my perspective, it'd probably be better suited to leave it the way it is.

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FPS on consoles is crap. They'll soon begin to bitch because there is no build-in autoaim.

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