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Dr Wasteland MD

Got a New Game for You to Play in DayZ

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Props to Trig for inspiring this idea, but here's a little game you can play if you wish in DayZ:

Chenarus Jogging Association Marathon!

About Us: Why let a silly little thing like a zombie apocalypse get in the way of aerobic exercise! Join the Chenarus Jogging Association for our annual run down the coast!

If you spawn in Kamenka, immediately drop all your stuff so that you have nothing. Then start running east, running directly on roads, all the way past Berezino as far north as you can get. If you make it to the north edge, following the coast, congrats, you win!

I just think it'd be hilarious to see like 100 zeds after some poor jogger.

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You know what game is FUNNER...than that?

I call it dodge like a mutha

You get a group of people with whiskey bottles and tin cans and throw them at each other the first one to kill someone with said items gets their stuff.

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I had a very good time gaming today.

Did a few terribly immature experiments, to see what is it like to be completely unarmed and just walk around, see the nature, etc.

1. Experiment

I messed on channel a bit I'm a scientist studying zombies, put my pistol in my backpack and stood up. FPS was shit so it was basically unplayable, so I just basically walked towards the north. Some people seemed annoyed someone was saying something other than "Friendly in Cherno?" or "I got some good gear for you at airfield." and other silly stuff, and they announced an open hunt on me. I did warn them it's poor sport since I don't shoot back and basically just walk, but someone still made it a point to find me and shoot me in the head. Well, fair dues to them for consistency anyway. No worries, said I, since the soul is immortal and we all come from the sea anyway, and sure enough I was back at the coast, alive and kicking in a minute.

2. Experiment

I just dropped all my gear on the coast and started walking north.

Got as far as Mogilevka, but then servers kept disconnecting me and I ended up in debug forest. Just respawned and was, by divine grace of DayZ, again alive and well at the beach.

3. Experiment

Dropped all my gear except the waterbottle, and decided to see how many Zeds I can aggro by running through towns. Now, this was the bomb. THE BOMB I tell ya. I sprinted with 20 or more Zeds on my tail. Right into Electro. Noone shot at me (although the server was full) and I tried to get any Zed I saw into the chase. Now the funny thing...I ran to the metal railing construction, climbed up, ran along that, down the other side, only 2 Zeds there. Ran back arounds, to get my running mates back, but they seemed to have given up and didn't wanna play anymore. I wasn't terribly happy about their lack of enthusiasm for the marathon. So I did a few circles around the fields to gather more of them, but then somehow I was hit a few times, started bleeding and couldn't stop to bandage. So I made for the tall smokestack at the edge of the town, climbed to the top, and all 20 Zeds started making up the ladder after me, I hoped I could jump off, but couldn't so they made it up and ate me.

Jolly good fun, I tell you. :D

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Yeah, unfortunately ladders aren't a means of escape anymore.

Good read.

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