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R.I.P. US 790 (Gangrene)

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My apologies to those players who frequented the server and played the game as is was intended, but I had my fill of hackers and their self-serving and destructive ways.  US 790 (Gangrene) is now down permanently and will remain as such until my agreement with HFB Servers has expired.  My thanks to Arma II developers for such a great game, and to Rocket and his staff for a very enjoyable mod, and to HFB Servers for their service.  But, enough is enough. In the future, and regardless of the game played, I will only be an administrator of server(s) that I can password-protect and control who has access.



I’m tempted to go on a rant directed at the hackers regarding the damaging effect to the hackers themselves, the gaming industry, the player community at large, and society in general, but it will just fall on deaf ears.  Some hackers are just hell-bent in their choices, while the majority are just caught up in the fun they are having and clueless to the ripple effect of their actions.  Maybe one day state and federal authorities will enact and enforce legislation and hold people accountable.  And maybe one day gaming companies will recognize the impact they can have collectively, and that a lucrative industry that creates dollars and jobs, can be a force for change.  Yes, I can dream.  But until then, so be it and such is life.


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You aren't the first, you won't be the last. I heard you and appreciated your opinion. It is next to impossible to admin in this game.. In fact they should change the name from admin to server owner.. Because that is really what any of us are. RIP

Edited by gwbrewer

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I remember you server. i played there serveral times because it was loading so fast (for me like 10 sec max.)

i hope your server comes back when the Hacker situation is better.

Edited by Ticonderoga

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Just run your server with everything off... These Hackers seem to be n00bs, I've seen them only once on a server with 3rd P and crosshair off ^^

Edited by theolodis

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Sorry to hear that you are shutting down the server. I pretty much played exclusively on your server. Any chance you can bring it back live for a day so I can get some gear from my tents. I understand the frustration of all the hacking going on. I will miss the server.

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Sorry to hear that you are shutting down the server. I pretty much played exclusively on your server. Any chance you can bring it back live for a day so I can get some gear from my tents. I understand the frustration of all the hacking going on. I will miss the server.

My apologies sir, but I have to decline. If it is any consolation, I am myself leaving behind several vehicles stocked with gear. And my friends and I were to close repairing and operating our first chopper last night, before hacking wiped away hours of running around the map finding parts. The straw that finally broke me was when I spawned in the debug zone after dying to the hacker with no gear and no means to kill myself, other than waiting to starve to death. I have already issued the ticket to HFB Servers to shut it down immediately. Sorry.

Unless one is playing on a private server, it seems the only way to play DayZ today is to run around Electro and Cherno with an axe or low-end rifle and just enjoy the game while waiting for a hacker to join the fray.

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I was wondering what happened. I didn't see anything over in ofc so I jumped in to the server forum here to see if some servers were having problems or something, and I seen this 790 post.

It must have been not too long after I logged off?

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I was wondering what happened. I didn't see anything over in ofc so I jumped in to the server forum here to see if some servers were having problems or something, and I seen this 790 post.

It must have been not too long after I logged off?

Hey Bill. Was looking fir you on TS last night, so I could explain the events that transpired in greater detail. Anyway, I'll catch ya later. I'm still playing Dayz and was in game last night using another name for obvious reasons.

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Very unfortunate. Thanks for all the fun we had on your dime Stunod.


Hopefully some valuable lessons have been learned from this alpha that can be vastly improved for the standalone version. I hope to resurrect the Gangrene server then (and/or in WarZ). Regardless thou, thanks for the sentiment and you are very welcome.

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