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Shooting yourself (in game) as a respawn mechanic

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Why not? You can't spam it, because you need to find a weapon first. Very often I found myself in a situation where I didn't want zombies to get me, and out of desperation I had this urge to pull the trigger and blow my character's brains out so at least I don't feel that zombies got me, but you cannot do it. :)

In fact not having a respawn option anymore (at least after recent update it's greyed out all the time so I guess it was removed) is a little problematic, and I don't feel like running into a bunch of zombies to die (for whatever reason) is a way this game was meant to be played.

Plus there are situations where you can run away so far on the map, that even zombies don't spawn there and you end up dying of hunger, which sucks. I had this situation once, but due to divine intervention I managed to get back to civilization and get some food off a random zombie. Still it wasn't fun realizing that you ran off to map limits and you can't find any food or water just because map ends there.

And this mechanic would add a whole new layer of confusion in pvp, when somebody behind cover knows that he's not gonna make it and decides to take the easy way out, while the guy shooting at him doesn't know what's going on and if he's alive or not in there. (the message of the player's death might spoil it, but still I guess it could be fixed somehow)

So what do you guys think about this idea?

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Suicide as a game feature, like other controvercial ideas, opens up a can of legal worms and Rocket would find himself neck deep in legal work, rather than game development.

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What if you are drunk and accedently hit the respawn button?

Happened to my friend, i had to guard his corpse for over 35 mins while he was trying to find me.

He was still drunk.....

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I don't really see how this would be a good tactic in any situation, except for the one where you are stuck outside of the map, and want to respawn, but this could be countered perhaps by adding the respawn button if you are outside of the map limits. If you are in a firefight, killing yourself with a gun won't make the other person confused or whatever, it will make him happy, as he did not have to waste his own bullets on killing you, but will still get all your loot... Also, if you are cornered by zombies, you are better off simply trying to fend them off with your final bullets, than just to press the respawn button. I really can't see any reason to add this, instead of just enabling the respawn button if you are outside of the map limits.

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Suicide as a game feature, like other controvercial ideas, opens up a can of legal worms and Rocket would find himself neck deep in legal work, rather than game development.

Yup, he's already talked about this and although he's not against the idea he also mentioned the legal ramifications and general complaints that would ensue. That was before the standalone announcement though so who know's what's around the corner?

Edited by Fraggle

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i really dont see a problem with it, i mean people can just climb to the top of a tall building or a tall structure and run off and commit suicide so whatd be the difference in shooting urself with a nice little animation?

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Oh well, I guess I see where you guys are coming from when saying it is a controversial idea and might get developers in trouble.

As for fending off zombies, really, there are some game breaking mechanics when you'd rather shoot yourself, than continue playing. Like you broke your legs far away from a city due to a bug or zombies (and you have no morphine). Or ran away too far in map and dying of hunger, as I've mentioned before. I had to crawl for 2 hours with broken legs to Chernarus once because of that... Without auto run option I had to stick a toothpick into a W key and went afk, periodically coming back.

My suggestion is a fun way of getting the respawn button back, without people exploiting it. I suppose if we cannot have a fancy suicide animation, could we alteast have a respawn button back into game if we have at least 1 gun with 1 bullet?

Edited by SexyKOT69

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Oh well, I guess I see where you guys are coming from when saying it is a controversial idea and might get developers in trouble.

As for fending off zombies, really, there are some game breaking mechanics when you'd rather shoot yourself, than continue playing. Like you broke your legs far away from a city due to a bug or zombies (and you have no morphine). Or ran away too far in map and dying of hunger, as I've mentioned before. I had to crawl for 2 hours with broken legs to Chernarus once because of that... Without auto run option I had to stick a toothpick into a W key and went afk, periodically coming back.

My suggestion is a fun way of getting the respawn button back, without people exploiting it. I suppose if we cannot have a fancy suicide animation, could we alteast have a respawn button back into game if we have at least 1 gun with 1 bullet?

You do know that in they made it so you have the ability to respawn if you get a broken leg?

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Rocket has mentioned that he'd like to add something like this, but he's trying to work out whether it would get him on CNN or not, etc.

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Suicide as a game feature, like other controvercial ideas, opens up a can of legal worms and Rocket would find himself neck deep in legal work, rather than game development.

saying that having a way to kill yourself in game promotes suicide is like saying that allowing bandits in the game is promoting armed robbery and murder. regardless if something is "controversial" or not shouldn't dissuade someone from putting it in the game. look at the Battlefield franchise, they have a suicide button in just about all of their games. give people a little credit to be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

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You do know that in they made it so you have the ability to respawn if you get a broken leg?

It's hit-and-miss with that. I had a broke leg once, but it didnt let me respawn, so I settled with the solution of firing my winchester into the air ;)

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